Sat. June 22, 2024, 5:00 pm.
Mostly Left brain wired beings in charge focused only on MORE $$ have collapsed all our systems as the silo BANDAIDS they were. But "we the people" are ALSO RESPONSIBLE. We thought all we had to do is vote every few years .. and "daddy" would look after us irresponsible children. Americans sue for everything, instead of looking for the CAUSE of problems to build REAL SOLUTIONS. I guess now there will be hundreds of Ozempic suits .. why don't you stop eating sugar INFUSED food? That is the cause of both our obesity and our illness. It inflames all the areas of our body prone to problems and then we just take a DRUG thinkng it will fix our lost will power problem. I believ sugar began the day of our brains and our will power. I mean I yell about this BUT have been paying 25 interest on my USA debt .. plus the 40% EXCHAGNE on Canadian income. Do I have a brain .. nope .. certainly NO Left Brain smart ACTION WIRING! I honestly think that sugar 56 names in every food had fired our brains. And now that we are TRULY crazy or massive STUPID zombies can we still SHARE our opposite brain resources?
We either work TOGETHER balancing our Right brain Na dLeft brain by TRADing our opposing resource .. or human die. Sorry not at all dram or exaggeration .. when even Davos is SCARED .. we got BIG problems. BUT .. if Left brains can work REALLY hard tomLISTEN LEARN and reconsider their tunnel vision, and if us contemplative right brains can work hard to actually DO something .. TOGETHER we might still save humans from EXTINCTION. But beings missing their MIND and "heart" are actually ZOMBIES. So we are already half extinct .. zombies hiding in decayed brain used to be "human" bodies. A HUMAN is his brain .. and it looks like right brain is more sensitive and has been destroyed. THINKNG before acting is ALWAYS best. Unless a tiger is eating you, then action is GOOD. But we have spent a century ever faster THINKNG LESS! Please LISTEN to right brain THINKERS and start a new ACCOUNTING SYSTEM .. Calculating HUMAN VALUE
RCMP!! Are AFRAID of the revolt I have been sure will happened soon. It is terrifying when you have been worried sick for years .. but now it looks like I was RIGHT all along. Why did nobody listen?? because they as "successful" Left brains just wanted fast and easy MORE (profit power or prestige for them) and MORE faster easier STUFF for us.)
Today on the news they said 25% of people in Ontario? open 50% PLUS on rent. Isn't it supposed to be no more than 30%? And say you could get a condo apparently 700.000 for 10% deposit .. that is $$$ 70,000!! seriously .. I make great pension .. I can't save 100$!! This is SO not fair. How about you also help me get seniors o board. O always wanted a WAR on oblivious seniors. I am an OLD senior but they enraged me when they said if my kids just worked hard like they didn't they would not be struggling. That still leaves me raging. Get off the planet if you are using up resources SELFISHLY. You deserve nothing! These kids will get NO PENSION and NO HOUSE, yet they work TWICE as hard as we did and with 10x the stress and lack of security. PLUS .. unlike us .. they have no TRUST and no HOPE. What kind of life is that? Yes .. get on board with us seniors donate to our cause or get off the planet!
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Our HUMAN BANK consists of 6 Life Ledgers (WE/ US, Time/ Space, and LAST not first! "Me/ mine) which EACH of us must TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR .. at all times BEFORE ACTION is TAKEN. That means LOTS of THINKING and calculating REAL VALUE before action is taken. As a HSP Right brain (Highly sensitive) I finally see why my life is hell and why I DO NOT LIKE LEFT BRAINS. They just do what suits them and do not worry about OTHERS or the world.
Sadly I was surrounded by less right brain people .. but I hope that is not who the masses are. My life in Buffalo was charmed. People were lovely and supported each other. In fact thanks for reminding me .. my oldest longest friend must have been political Right, so he was not a deep thinker. He said Religion and Politics were not allowed at his BBQ. I could NOT understand. How will you hear other viewpoints to learn from and reconsider, if you can NOT discuss OPPOSING ideas even with FRIENDS? That always confused me. Hmm .. yet both my women friends were def Left brain. They made sure things worked well for them, while I tended to be more quiet and accepting. Now they do not even respect I WORK .. while they are retired. Could you maybe TRY to meet on me schedule .. you just have holiday time! That is MEAN. I better face I am just WEIRD. Damn that means we die. Because we can no longer survive unless we work together for the GREATER GOOD! More of the same "me/ mine, here, NOW" my way will put us over the cliff edge we are at!
Fri. June 21, 2024, 7:30 pm.
Proof of our stupidity .. we don't even KNOW what resources are. Coming from a Home ECONOMICS and FAMILY Studies background .. a freakin SMILE is a RESOURCE! A Kind WORD is a resource. Falling into an abusive relationship I realize this minute .. dismissive, demeaning treatment is a LIABILITY .. worse a TOXIN which MULTIPLIES. A Liability subtracts but a TOXIN multiplies damage .
Like a cancer or a contagious virus making people feel stupid or less than, is emotional bullying! It can be worse than "Just hurt me physically, it does LESS eating damage!" Putting a person down, enjoying making them FEEL like a loser is extremly damaging. This destructive behaviour does NOT just remove from the HUMAN BANK but it removes in MULTIPLES! I realize with this writing it removes multiples from MANY LEDGERS!! Destroying another's self confidence can still do harm even later in life. It create toxic BEHAVIOUR (suicide or rage) decades later. Left brains would dismiss this with "oh just GET OVER IT!". Easy for them, being a highly NOT SENSITIVE PERSON (Heartless vs HSP or ESP extra sensitive .. NO sensitivity to others well being). Sure they have no confidence so they pull others down to their level .. but the damage is far worse when a person has NO ONE that makes them feel VALUED and belonging.
I have diverged but am making the point that CONSERVATION is the LIFE LEDGERS. Every HUMAN'S behaviour either INCREASES our HUMAN Stock Exchange .. or DECREASES its VALUE. HAH!! Our HUMAN Stock Exchange has collapsed, just like all the non functioning Silos within it! We did not CONSERVE! We had a MIND SET of DISRESPECT and wasted or destroyed every Resource. We SQUANDERED them all, even the great VALUE of those troublesome RIGHT brain Thinkers! I think we are quieter than the woke or zombie Left brain SCREAMERS. Nobody listened, although we were an amazing RESOURCE! Imagine if we actually LISTENED to Rachel Carlson in the 60's ! We would not be drowning, burning and living in a Temperature YOYO now. We lived a TAKE (everything good) GIVE (leave behind everything bad)
see my sketch above.
Are you increasing or DECREASING our HUMAN Stock exchange. YOU are the atmosphere ! your behaviour can either raise the energy of a room .. or like me 🤔 DRAG IT DOWN. "Here comes Debbie Downer, Run" 😔 .. 🙄 (SNL from ? 90's?) Yes I am always worried .. but I need to remember to tell people TOGETHER we can still reverse the collapse! (Reverse World!)
Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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