Wed. July 3, 2024, 9:30 am
When RICH people see this REALITY of so much struggle .. (IF .. they have paid little in taxes, paid their workers not enough to live, donated to good causes minimally, but they drive in their half million $ car to their estate .. how do these "humans" look at themself in the mirror??? 🤔 I suggest these are not just BAD HUMANS but EVIL, and INHUMAN. They must be aliens because REAL Humans would feel guilty. A Human is his MIND and "Heart" which I believe is located in our RIGHT brain Hemisphere. That is the brain wiring that wants to UNDERSTAND, while the Left wiring does the USING to get the job done ..the ACTION part of our brain. If we simplify LIFE and focus ONLY on "ME/ mine, here, now" are we still human .. or just BAD humans? I suggest far too many are STRESSED into BAD Humans. By connecting and supporting each other, LIKE USED TO BE NORMAL, natural .. I think we can bring STRESSED "bad" humans BACK. Together we build a kinder, better quality of life with a new "FAIR system" of value calculation, instead of ONLY $$$.
What if the toxic soup our "progress" has created has DESTROYED our brain wiring? THAT part is proven, so much e have created has FRIED our brain! But what if the RIGHT brain "thinking" wiring is more SENSITIVE to harm, and we have lost our ability to THINK FURTHER than "ME/ mine, here, now"? That would explain so many selfish SHALLOW "humans". Have we become mindless heartless ZOMBIES oblivious to the common and greater good. FIGHTING "the last war" has no time to contemplate this forever! We need to ACT NOW! Selfish lack of thinking and common sense will destroy HUMANITY long before climate change, which also soon will destroy our family HOME. Grow up and take responsibility for our HUMAN FAMILY, people! Please read the link .. this is old .. it is only WORSE now .. we GOOD Humans need to TAKE CONTROL NOW. Boycott everything!
Sun. June 23, 2024, 8:00 pm.
Think early and often is NOT the way of Left brains. If I do not worry about others or our Human home it is far easier for me to WIN whatever I am aiming for. Thoughtful concern for OTHER the pure the self will LOSE .. while the me mine here now LEFT BRAINS take over. But now this thoughtless bandaid action is showing it is not REAL success. SILO answers are not REAL solutions. Maybe we just need ONE SYSTEM .. instead of education, health, law and order an Economy .. if none of it works for us let's try a NEW model .. a new system where all is based on TOTAL HUMAN Health. The octopus arms of Human Intelligence = the remaining factors we need for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. ONE System instead of silos where we EACH take responsibility. If we CONNECT everything to begin with it should work better than DISCONNECT of all things.
Tunnel Vision on SELF .. profit power prestige has collapsed society. But we Right brains have been yelling for years. We KNEW nothing was working . Now the proof is here. I have always thought pure evil runs the world so greedy they care not at all for the trauma they create for ordinary souls. I think I am WRONG. I think these Left brain in power people are TUNNEL VISION because they are BLIND .. unable to SEE big picture. They are addicted to PPP. But will addicts listen? Will they use our Right brain skill of contemplating past causes and future concerns.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 11:00 am.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 11:00 am.
Remove the idea of Politicians here form your brain. They are probably all LEFT brain. Since Left brains rule the world and have COLLAPSED our civilization!
Sat. June 22, 2024, 7:30pm.
Hopefully the quiet MASSES are still quite BALANCED brain. Hopefully all those screamer LEFT brains that do NOT have the ability to THINK before latching onto simple black / white, right/ wrong demonizing are the minority! WE can be Left or RIGHT brain without being either mean action only, or paralyzed by thought. HMMM .. all the young people I know (most my "friends" ( 🤔.. because I guess I still think I am a high school teacher?)
Fri. June 21, 2024, 11:00 am.
For about 16 websites (the notes for a BOOK, but online) I hated those in charge of US, because of their GREED, plus ease of ACCOMPLISHING. (link magic magnet). The Power Structure seems to not be HUMAN! A Human has a MIND and "heart", but the people in POWER seem not to THINK or consider causes and consequences on OTHERS well being.
My question was are they EVIL? .. or just "TUNNEL VISION" .. TV? But just now I thought that short for might confuse with the idea with the TV ritual and Human CONNECTION of our dying "TV!!" I had thought maybe TV 2:00 or was that more confusing. NO!! IT IS PERFECT. My New "T.V." tunnel vision wonders is greed toward evil just MYOPIC single minded TUNNEL VISION toward MORE .. usually $ .. but really MORE anything. We live in a MORE of EVERYTHING society .. EXCEPT the NORMAL Natural things that make life a JOY. We have MORE of EVERYTHING, easier, faster, 300 beers instead of 3 choices .. more and more and more. But by now we have ZERO of what really matters .. our HEALTH, which is made up of Trust, Hope, Security, stability, connection, belonging, feeling valued ORDER and CONNECTING our Human Intelligence and skills. The Left ACTION brains in charge ACT without using the RIGHT brains thinkng capacity and their ACTION focused on MORE has destroyed every factor of health. My life time JUDGED them as a spectrum of EVIL, from selfish to mean, cruel greed to actual evil.
But these people are now afraid like us thinkers. They see ALL is collapsing. Every system is in decay. How can you be afraid when YOU caused it?? Are they just BLIND to all but their greed for MORE (profit, power or prestige)? Listening to Fauci he seems a NICE man. Yet he destroyed our TOTAL Human health by shutting down the world for covid. He did not MEAN to destroy anything. He was TUNNEL VISION in his OWN AREA .. keeping humans safe from DISEASE. But there is much more to keep us in good health than disease. We need to CONNECT with other humans. So it seems I have been wrong .. or at least my question was not answered til now! I always THOUGHT they were STUPID. That is easier to handle than EVIL. But recently I began adding ALIEN .. which I think those few ruling families must be .. they really have no HEART.
So TUNNEL VISION TV has destroyed civilization. Thoughtless ZOMBIES will remain in Dystopia but us still THINKNG humans will die of a broken heart or STRESS. We can see WIDE .. we take a broad perspective and like to look FAR (future and BACKWARD TOO for causes. TUNNEL VISION on one goal is obviously proven catastrophic .. a CANCEROUS VIRUS that may finish off humans.
TV 2:00 is quite perfect The first TV was tunnel vision .. we looked at that screen and entered another world .. tunnel vision but we called it couch potato! OMG .. now we are ALL couch potatoes everywhere but the TV is our phone T V @ .. Tunnel vision 2 focused one direction only whether faucet on disease cure or us with our social NONSENSE .. will kill us .. and soon!!
Fri June 21, 2024, 12:00 noon.
There are HSP .. sensitive to EVERYTHING. We rant and rave about injustice in everything.
Apparently canada has 1 of 4 people who do not have enough money to buy the protein necessary for a healthy body. I have recently been thinkng more of my protein but also discovered I have zero $ left to eat! I discovered a delicious peanut butter (Farm Boy) and HEALTHY bread that is so cheap (Rudolph's) and as I was slathering on more and more peanut butter to get my protein I thought some mom's can only add the FLAVOUR of that P B to the bread. In my usual direction I thought "How do you rich EVIL people sleep at nite knowing your greed (Lobster and caviar) would feed a FAMILY for a week??? This is why I believed Evil was close by. But .. they are just BRAIN dead! They have TUNNEL VISION to only "me/ mine here now". They are OBLIVIOUS to others! Zombies with no mind and "heart". But then Faucci disproves that too. I think he was kind and caring just too NARROW MINDED, sticking to his medical studies not WIDE FAR Vision..
I am still so angry at Left brain Action minds.
Fri June 21, 2024, 4:15.
Excuse me people .. I am sick of your mindfulness, yoga, creating happiness for yourself ! The whole reason we have destroyed HUMANS .. is because of "SELF", you know .. like self-ISH? Where the focus is only on the self you can be SURE a society will collapse. And because we SO pushed globalization so we could get MORE cheaper for the SELF .. we also wasted energy transporting and made GARBAGE probably triple! Whoa at this point I surprise MYSELF with my brilliance. Einstein said "If you can't explain it well .. you do not UNDERSTAND it enough!" I still have to communicate better .. but sometime I say something that shocks me. This idea needs to go with HOW we destroyed humans!
Stress can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. Our stress reduction techniques, including mindfulness and meditation, will help you feel more relaxed and focused.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 12.30 pm.
too much inhumane stress especially on men failing family
possible not considered murder .. saving LOVED ONES from stigma (of failure) struggle financial stress ongoing tension
Wed. June 26, 2024, 10:00 am.
Can we murder ZOMBIES without OURSELVES being evil? If we give them choices before "removing" them, is that more FAIR and decent HUMAN? Left brains that simplify all into BANDAIDS that fall off .. so we BUY another .. whoa so that's why the BANDAID solutions .. MORE PROFIT! Just like finding the cause to PREVENT Diabetes, obesity and addiction, would make no MONEY! (quit buying food with 56 names for the hidden sugar!) Too late now, the damage is done. our RIGHT bring thinking wiring is destroyed.
In WAR Rulers DELEGATE MURDER. And we STUPID SHEEP just DO IT. See what I mean? Once you undersatnd Dr mcgilchrist's work EVERYTHING makes sense. Why would someone sign up to murder people becaseu some guy told you to? Weird .. but we never even question it! More and more of our THINKING wiring is being DESTROYED by the S4 virus.
We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our holistic health programme takes into account your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing to help you achieve optimal health.
We believe in the healing power of nature. Our natural remedies programme is designed to help you treat common health problems using natural products and remedies. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to natural healing.
Our senior care programme is designed to help seniors maintain their independence and quality of life. Our team of experts will provide you with personalized support and guidance to help you stay healthy and happy as you age.
Fri. June 28, 2024, 2:00 pm.
Please tell me I MIS- understood this somehow. Trump's supreme court appointees are his brain type .. Left brain and THOUGHTLESS and HEARTLESS. (The MIND and "Heart" reside in the Right brain it would seem? .. and it is gone from so many people) They are the people who took away the ability to have an abortion. How is it FAIR to make a child be born when the mother has no ability or desire to RAISE it????? You think you are being all godly .. it's MURDER .. yet you are possibly TORTURING A HUMAN FOR LIFE .. a life he did not ask for. Most humans would rather NOT be born than born and NOT WANTED and mistreated!!! I child is hard enough to take all RESPONSIBILITY FOR .. when you WANT to birth one!
OK so here is why I said I would kill these HORRIBLE (pretend christian ZOMBIES)! I just heard they have voted to let cities decide, if they WANT TO MAKE HOMELESS PEOPLE GET OFF THE (streets) .. EVEN IF THERE IS NO SHELTER FOR THEM. So a human is valuable when you FORCE him to be birthed .. but once he is a PERSON .. he is not ALLOWED to take up space anywhere. Can you imagine how HORRIBLE that would feel .. you lost your home and now are yelled at for existing! Can you imagine .. in some places they actually FINE homeless people. The insensitivity and lack of empathy is Mind blowing .. proof these "Justices" ..!! .. are no longer HUMANS .. they are HEARTLESS zombies! Then they demonize me? yes T. god will decide who goes to hell .. and it is sure not me. I suppose this hubris? .. thinking I am god?
O M G .. this planet is too insane for me .. when is MAID starting again? Can you imagine you have the terror and heart break of losing your HOME, you have no money .. BUT YOU ARE FINED FOR EXISTING!!!! Nope sorry it is WAR on these idiot JUDGE people. Why can netanyahu kill INNOCENTS, but I cannot kill ZOMBIES with no SOUL!!?? The war is not againt people or HUMANS .. it is against MINDLESS zombie beings. Sorry if sugar and screens disabled your brain .. BUT .. other "disabled' people do not HARM!!
Yup .. now I am the one will be in jail .. or watched like some terrorist .. while the zombies go about their DESTRUCTION of humans. I am sorry if it is mean to kill BRAIN DISABLED people .. but they are DESTROYING CIVILIZATION. If this makes you insane like me .. let's build our ated community like mennonites or pioneers. This "progress" is INSANE and heartless. WE have lost our mind, "heart", and hence our SOUL. For what .. A I ?
This is proof these mindless zombies hate our Right Brain wiring THINKING. It confuses their MYOPIC blindness, so they lash out. Their simple brain can not fathom any DEEPER onion layer thinking. These homeless people are lazy and irresponsible. It is their OWN fault. Maybe they saw the world for what it is and got so distressed they were not as SUCCESSFUL as you! It is easy to be successful when you think only SELF here and NOW. Idiot ACTION Left brains can not fathom worry for others and empathy that distracts us from "ME/ MINE, Here, now" self absorption. They can not UNDERSTAND why we just don't mind OUR business better. It is our fault if we did not focus on OUR success. Our own FAULT we are homeless (but we were so valuable when you refused our abortion?) Who do we Right brains think we are? god? yeah .. we were all made in his image and should TRY TO BE DECENT!
3:00pm .. from my experience interacting .. I think I SEE these "people" just can not CONNECT the 2 ideas! I think they would actually NOT UNDERSTAND what a homeless person has to do with abortion! Is this seriously how Mental Illness began? Left brains have always been in charge through out history. (A lot easier to WIN, when you worry over nothing but SELF!) I bet they started the ASYLUMS for crazy people .. when it is actually THEM that have LOST THEIR MIND! .. lost their ability to THINK past their nose!
I am always yelled at for hubris? thinkng I am god? Yet when Republicans refuse abortion aren't they now acting like god? I am always confused around Left brains. It feels if I go one way I am stupid .. but if I went the OTHER way a week ago .. I was stupid for that too. Life feels like a constant Karate match around them, where I MUST be taken down .. but one with no rules and not FAIR.
But I think they do not even KNOW this is their way ?? .. maybe they are just always terrified of being seen as stupid .. or not STRONG and in charge? Hah .. is that some brilliance? THAT would account for being WRONG no matter what. A right brain will always be smarter because we ARE th e THINK brain side! Are they so intimidated by us THAT is where the ABUSE comes from. Trump was acting like a BULLY last nite. But he also is narcissistic which confuses a bit. my family is not like that. I am very tired of being confused. Could right brains start over on another continent? Hah . real re pioneering!!
Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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