Sat. June 29, 2024, 9:30 am.
The word NORMAL or NOT .. is no longer allowed .. good luck with that idiocy! more
High rises are great. Get more people in a smaller area, more "value" for the land. But that extra PROFIT, once the floors become EXTREME creates the toxins of SHADE, wind tunnels and LOST NEIGHBOURHOOD. EXTREME concrete worship, has made Toronto unlivable. THINKING (which we no longer DO) .. means finding BALANCE between 2 ideas. More floors creates more homes. But what is the BALANCE Equation for NOT destroying sunlight and neighbourhood? (William Penn said 4 floors were enough .. and city hall Phila proved an architectural masterpiece of ART and BEAUTY) Thinking is CONTEMPLATION to find MODERATION that solves BOTH PROBLEMS. Guess the ONLY thing we do NOT take EXTREME is THINKNG. To CONSIDER all connected possibilities is not the EAS fast we WORSHIP.
BOTH ... AND .. can be true. this is what DUALITY is yin and yang, black and white .. both sides have validity. The difficulty of life is trying to figure out the best BALANCE of the 2 opposites. Women should manage the family. but we want to work too. But the family is the FOUNDATION of our HUMANITY. Running a home and teaching children to RESPECT others and be RESPONSIBLE is the most important job of humans! Dad's protect and provide and they love that .. but raising a child and making a home peaceful means a happy safe NEIGHBOURHOOD. I think we were MARKETED that we SHOULD be working, that we were less than to WANT to stay home. Because we took women's lib EXTREME (Everybody working) we destroyed the family and with it the neighbourhood. Family .> community > SOCIETY or humanity. EXTREME ALWAYS DESTROYS.
Now taking GAY extreme is even destroying NORMAL gender. It was fine for millenia. yes people were gay and it is horrible to harm or isolate them but taking it extreme has creed confusion and HUGE division. So tell me this is not CRAZY .. now eevn GAYS are divided and who knows .. soon demonize the other? It seems we take special into DIVISION which in our lazy behaviour turns only to attack .. rather than understand.
Trying to UNDERSTAND means looking for balance. Balance means moderation and respect for all sides of division. Nope we like fast and easy .. demonizing the other is far more CONVENIENT. even convenience was great .. until we took IT extreme as we now do with EVERYTHING. Extreme will destroy cibilization and A I is our last chance to use our RIGHT THINKING BRAIN!
Fri. July 5, 2024, 4:00 pm.
I ABHOR how the "mindfulness and MANIFEST" CLIQUE refuses to hear one thing outside their OWN version! I HATE how they STEAL amazing ideas and .. use them for SELF omitting the OTHER half. Like the serenity prayer .. they use HALF of it for THEIR selfish benefit. YUP .. never really noticed! That is exactly what McGilchrist says. Left brains USE, while right brains want to UNDERSTAND. Sorry (my"daughter" tells me god (hates me) .. but who do YOU think is a bearer GOOD Human .. one who USES (Left brain) .. or one who wants to UNDERSTAND everything before acting for SELF. yet she manages to drag me down EVERY SINGLE TIME. OH well we msut thank her ! None of this would have been collected and CONNECTED had I not found itso very strange that a mother and "daughter" could so dislike each other. It is only decades treated like a mom of a teen who hates you .. that I have become vicious back. That's sad. .. but attacked again and agin you finally lash out. I fear that is what we NON ZOMBIES will soon do .. a H Bomb exploding. I think that TIME BOMB is about to explode .. suicides are increasing but so are attacks. I know after a life of TRYING to be FAIR .. seeing I do not get FAIR back means I feel like the time bomb. Never mind suicide I want to take down some mean cruel people FIRST. Anybody else getting enraged? Yes why should you NOT listen to me! Would you seriously go to a person who studied ( ..) and behave like you know more. yup I should calm down .. that is just STUPID zombie behaviour! I am arguing with a zombie and expecting her to LISTEN! Why have we not noticed ZOMBIE apocalypse has happened?
So those parents with the screaming kid now, have NO RESPONSIBILITY to teach CIVILITY??. It is just MY responsibility to “put up” with it??? 🙈 Just be positive. 😱
.. get me out of your SELFISH SHALLOW dystopia .. 👻 .. all brought on by "I/m SPECISL, I have RIGHTS." But what about the RESPONSIBILTY to respect others? and take RESPONSIBILITY ofr resource management of ALL humans not just YOU!
Fri. July 5, 2024, 6:00 pm
Our focus is "ME/ mine here , NOW!" HAH! even "Be in the NOW" is misappropriated! Absolutely if you are trying to calm stress, come back to this moment and BREATHE. We can not CHANGE the past or control the future. But in a "society of SELF" .. NOW destroys everything. For GOOD humans who want to understand and Crete FAIR order for society .. NOW is least important. LEARNING from the PAST to find causes and not repeat mistakes is far more important than NOW and SELF. PLANNING good future outcomes comes from reconsidering PAST actions and planning better FUTURE actions. But this is too much trouble for a left brain who just want to use whatever is NOW abviloable to solve the problem AND MAKE MONEY. I guess those greedy people may be missing their right brain wiring and can not even UNDERSTAND the extra steps NECESSARY for REAL success in solving problems. That everything is collapsing, can solely be put on the backs of those Left brains in charge, who refuse to THINK more deeply! PAST and FUTURE contemplation is how problems or ideas are created beacuse they contain layers of questions and reconsidering!
Be positive and focus on creating your wants .. BUT ONLY AFTER you do the HUMAN "US" work vs "ME/ mine, here, NOW" that got us in this mess. HUMAN work is all of us TOGETHER, thinkng LISTENING, HEARING with RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY FIRST for our HUMAN FAMILY and our HUMAN HOME. WE/ US must come before me, like it has for millenia until we got to entitled and SELF absorbed. First the common and greater good .. THEN our individual comfort. People on my million walks show human family is FORGOTTEN. The sidewalk is mine too . not just YOURS! 🤬
Fri. July 5, 2024, 4:00 pm.
Like the LCBO STRIKE! She thinks they selfishly ruined everybody's summer. But the truth is they are SACRIFICING and bringing ATTENTION to part time job UNFAIRNESS, their loss and the EVIL of farming liquor to Galen Weston who profits INSTEAD of the $ going to the PUBLIC! But that requires going thru many layers of the ONION PROBLEM. Life is a conveyor belt of problems. Those who shut their mind down and simply USE problems to profit have an easy life. and this is EXACTLY WHY all is COLLAPSING! Using problems simply to profit creates siloes of NO REAL SOLUTION plus band aids that just fall of .. "BUY ANOTHER!" REAL solutions or ideas are LAYERS of THINKNG wondering curiousity. Like peeling thru onion layers. Left brains grab the shells. The demonizing is the crackle (gun) the inner elastic (no gun) INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY GOING THRU ALLTHE ONION LAYERS. Everything is dual both good and bad .. so each factor must be CALULATED for best human VALUE. We live onlt in MONEY, more faster and easier. We have not just lost our mind and "heart" but a sick society has lost its HUMAN SOUL.
sure the strike is a PAIN .. but always think a little further to get to the HEART of the problem. We no longer do that .. we have lost our human! Our HUMAN is in our MIND and "heart". I think they reside in the work of the THINKNG Right brain. But Left brains won't listen. will we have to kill them to have HUMANS survive? They have created hell .. a difital dystopia of thoughless ZOMBIES. There is a zombie SPECTRUM. If you are a stupid zombie there may be hope. Selfish heads to greed and evil! nope get off the planet or we will HELP YOU.
Mon. July 8, 2024, 8:30 am
printing press .. signs painted on walls .. then TV .. now ALL is SCREAMING
SELL by twistiing .. Mcacfe 5$ .. franchisees lose MORE
Sun. June 23, 2024, 4:00 pm.
Toronto's Science centre
This is a parent's job, but we were TWISTED into thinking women should work. We were already brain dead by the 70's. (add .. my marriage and kids made NO SENSE. Cape cod)
So now who teaches kids how to be HUMAN. Little kids are awesome .. without selfish shallo parents they are kind and giving. But sadly anyone who had a kid in the last 10? years is damn selfish and oblivious. How can you be so not aware to the MESS you are birthing them into. Is that FAIR? If you honestly believe we CAN fix it and are working to do so .. having a child desires punishment. But the you LIVE in a selfuish shallow society so it rubs off I guess. And I must continuously remind myself .. not evil .. just BRAIN DEAD from the S4 virus ( ). if you have NO BRAIN to THINKNK with I guess you just birth a child. never mind you are birthing them into HELL. We destroyed the nATURAL, NORMAL heaven we had. And now instead of finding CAUSES of all our DECLINE we just put icing on it .. like teaching little kids about gay so they can be CONFUSED. Men / WOMEN is NORMAL. Did birth control somehow mess up our babies. Sorry every secing person was not GAY back in the more NORMAL 50's.
I really must work on NOT CARING about the HATRED I will get. I must build a shell, armour against ZOMBIES. Sorry I a right you are wrong because your brain is dead. You are disabled, and can not SEE the big picture. Narrow minds have created a blind society which messed up all that is NATURAL. Fine you scream at me while you breathe your polluted air and drink your toxic water. What have you done to fix these problems? NOTHING right? actually WAKE UP .. pay attention to more than your selfies.
So Sorry REAL .. GOOD Humans that I want viewing this site. Please send this to your BAD Human friends (selfish and SHALLOW 🙈 .. "YOU STUPID!") sorry .. I will edit .. maybe do a separate section for Left brains who are still possible to come back to HUMAN?
Sun. June 23, 2024, 4:30 pm.
The point of this ranting is that we THOUGHT our SYSTEMS were for the "GOOD OF THE PEOPLE"! Turns out EVERYTHING is for the good of those in power .. profit or MORE power or prestige. NOTHING is actually for OUR good. No wonder I have been saying for decades I could run this better MYSELF and I know NOTHING. If I was dictator things would be FAIR .. all humans treated DECENTLY. Diversity is a CON job to DIVIDE us. I used to love everybody .. now I hate everybody .. 👿 I guess frustration and giving up does MEAN things to us.
so .. what do we teach? NOTHING .. we teach them NOTHING THAT MATTERS! Sorry to be mad. I was a HOme EConomics teacher and they CANCELLED ME in the late 80's. I used to say what the hell it was THE MOST IMPORTANT COURSE .. no bias. It was based on FAMILY Resource Management. Funny how my last FAVORITE course was Bachelor Survival. Teaching my kids how to survive once our in the wordl .. actually it was a beginning course to let GUYS FEEL IT WAS SAFE TO TAKE .. and not called a wimp. No wonder I think GUYS have gotten the RAW deal not women. I now think that too ws all a con job. 2 working destroys family, messed up family = unstable people = EASIER to control. 🤔 HMM .. I said that well.
The more I think about the ?80's the more I think we were SO CONNED. I feel for men. Women are allowed to be anything, any way they want. But men are men, like it or not altho we are JUST HUMANS men and women ARE different! Men like to feel the PROTECTOR, the PROVIDER and we stole that from them . HMM? I wonder how many are gay just because they gave up on how HARD a MAN's life is? I speak still angry at 2 of my favorite TV news men being DESTROYED by women! NO INNOCENT til proven guilty. Just totally DESTROYED lives by accusatory women. You have a part in this decline of men, you women. The way you dress is disgusting. Do you see that I am trying to make my club all men? 😂 And yet .. this is why I say all is MEDIA brain washing .. I have YOUNG women friends and they are very NICE. So how do I hate women through the media .. yet in real life even the 20 yr old are great!? So the power system just takes MEAN women and uses them for their destructive control of us sheep knowing what is happening.
Sun. June 23, 2024, 5:00 pm.
Have these poor young adults learned ANYTHING useful in school?
Restau pop up .. I saw someone chalking the sidewalk with an arrow .. so of course my curiousity wanted to find the (food) idea. Nothing walked toward a new building in BEHIND the old history, thought maybe in the condo bottom. Nada. Then later I saw a yellow sign with a menu arrow .. "go BEHIND queen st (the main thoroughfare sp?)". Still child curious I thought ok I will go the opposite way. OMG behind the garages with no more signage was a cargo container. When I studied it more I saw chairs o top and an open window. MY GOD .. I know nothing about ANYTHING .. I just collect and connect whatever I see. THIS IS STUPID!! You seriously think people will find this hidden pop uP??? nobody is curious like me .. too busy phone faced rushing nowhere. As usual I yelled at the girl .. "where are your balloons? No one will find this!" Besides no EDUCATION, we have LOST OUR COMMON SENSE PLUS .. nOTHING CONNECTS. If you just hire robot people you have no INVESTMENT. If you treat employees like they are part of your success and VALUE them, they would be more likely to pass on my suggestion (my brilliance, but I am just lucky I still have a LITTLE common sense!) So here again we have ALL factors of TOTAL Human Health DESTROYED. Certainly Human Intelligence CONNECTED is missing, employee feeling valued is gone, and Decades in school taught no MATH logic, sales or business acumen.
??behind the REAL street between the garages. cool investigation but STUPID!
Uber Drivers!! even worse .. those poor poor drivers. They do not even understand their maintenance, parking tickets, car cost leave them about 50 cents pay. That is just SAD! Is that guy who started Uber evil .. or is he just stupid too. It is nice when you get a good idea and are on TOP, then you just rake in the money, maybe not even RECOGNIZING how badly you are cheating the VERY people who are getting you your wealth.🤬 I guess they think "I am awesome, I am giving these poor people a JOB!"
Mon. June 24, 2024, 8:30 am.
where is our brain to not UNDERSTAND this? The phone is killing humans .. replaced by ZOMBIES! How do we not UNDERSTAND .. and DO SOMETHING?? Our Brains are gone! At least L A has quit phones in schools .. is there still hope?
Mon. June 24, 2024, 8:30 pm.
Everything isa GOOD idea .. probably thought out with great intelligence .. like Oppenheimer's bomb and now Geoffrey Hinton with A I. But because w are BRAIN DEAD we take everything EXTREME. Extreme will always kill us. The phone has even killed the last of our spatial AWARENESS. we run into people. Pigeons and birds run into us because we killed their brain feeing them OUR garbage food!
Productivity could have been a CONSERVATION of Resources TOOL, a SMART concept .. do not WASTE. But of course brain dead idiots turned it to POISON .. TOXIC. We live in a toxic soup because we take everything extreme. Globalization might have been a good idea for a few little things .. but we made it into the whole economy! Wasting all that energy transporting from China, creating all that pollution .. and WORSE such TERRIBLE QUALITY created WASTE upon Waste.
more, incomplete .. these 2 interacted to create the bomb that killed us .. the only thing that mattered was more profit while every one of the 9 factors of our HUMAN HEALTH was DESTROYED.
Mon. June 24, 2024, 5:30 pm.
Nothing is working. Why can't we build our own gated community that is like the Pioneers were? SIMPLE! Sharing and trading our skills and RESOURCES. We use our Tech innovation but NOT EXTREME. No more ADDICTION .. or MORE faster, easier! CALM down!
We can make things be way better SIMPLY by returning to BALANCE and MODERATION. No more EXTREME. We can make life WAY better .. IF .. we each do our part .. we EACH TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! IF .. We each work to understand others, reconsider and rebuild in a SIMPLER more common sense manner, we can prevent our extinction. The Pioneers had NOTHING .. and NO SYSTEMS, np police or health care or schools! They managed by sharing and TRADING HUMAN to HUMAN. Money!! .. is NOT the problem .. not trading FAIRLY is! In our NEW SYSTEM .. Octocracy (link) we connect and trade our Human Intelligence so that our HUMAN Stock Market Exchange constantly increases. A smile and kind word have MORE value than lots of $$, once the rent is paid! EVERYONE contributes (we have so many RESOURCES, that are not $). By Trading and sharing everyone RECEIVES .. shelter, food and some fun. We waste so much by being THOUGHTLESS and having no CONCEPT of CONSERVATION. What about houses empty but for a struggling old person. We old people could take 3 young people into our empty house and they help us with everything. .. WIN WIN! Why is no one doing this? All the young people need is a few extra $ for fun, clothes etc, or trip adventures.
People are struggling so much they are honking at lights and screaming, seeming vicious and evil .. but stress will do that to us, when it has NO END IN SIGHT! In Reverse World, everyone contributes, everyone receives basic needs. NO .. don't go screaming "But that is socialism or worse, COMMUNISM !" NO!! Everbody works and everybody RECEIVES FAIR in return. I never said all are paid the same. (But it does seem strange most can not pay their rent without 2 chaotic jobs, while Scottie Barnes makes ??? 225 MILLION, over 5 years $ .. I mean COME ON! We are flooding or burning and killing each other daily now. I think we should RE- Consider what we spend our $$ on!! YES! definitely REVISED capitalism. Scottie you are going to help us build our TEMPLATE gated community. You get all the credit. You can AFFORD it with your $45 million per year. That's about heading toward $1 million per week, while we can't afford BOTH food and a roof?
How do $WEALTHY people actually SLEEP in a $5000 a nite hotel bed, when others less fortunate are sleeping in the rain .. in the mud?? I always thought you were PURE EVIL! (Scottie is so sweet seeming in that Subway ad .. I hope he does not disappoint us and SPONSORS our last "church country" (Just be a FAIR and decent HUMAN!) But I guess the wealthy really just are OBLIVIOUS to other's struggle? And I have hated "you people" because PURE FOCUS on the SELF surely makes life SO MUCH EASIER, as opposed to PAYING ATTENTION and always wanting FAIR! It is not that poor person's FAULT they never got your Pot Of gold (confidence and a feeling of DESERVEDNESS)! The Magic Magnet Law of attraction will ALWAYS help you! In our REVERSE World, the RETURN amount you receive for your Resource CONTRIBUTION, depends on the work's effect on your health (stressful like hospital, dangerous or over nite ruining our circadian Rhythm.) plus valued many other skills or talents. But just cleaning or moving things (energy) or standing guard over bad kids 😟, gets you food, shelter and fun. HEY!! MY SYSTEM is a WAY Better concept than UBI, Universal basic income gives me NO feeling of being VALUABLE in our HUMAN community. My CONSERVATION "Value calculation system" gives everyone RESPECT because their work is needed and VALUED. a HUMAN Bank and Stock exchange of ALL our RESOURCES not money! Why has no one done this with blockchain??
Tues. June 18, 2024
plus divorce with the advent of REFUSING any HARD work like "the effort to GET ALONG"!
Mon. June 24, 2024, 5:30 pm
It would sure seem there was a PLOT to kill humans. How did we survive for millennia .. and we PIONEERS come to the NEW World .. and withing 2900 years we are IMPLODING?? There could still be those RULING Families who are true PSYCOPATHS or ?Aliens but there could not have been a BETTER PLAN to destroy humans. Did they just want our minerals etc .. and we were bugs in the way. Certainly McKinsey was able to con all the corporations to do their SHEPHERD work .. and we sSHEEP (Dumbocracy) just followed along obediently. Obedient must be OVER. If we want humans to survive we must REBEL. If REVOLT is more destructive .. we do not WANT DESTRUCTION. Enough has already happened to destroy our HUMAN Home. But we can quietly REBEL by stepping out. No more buying crap or working for people who do not VALUE our contribution. The corporations are afraid of collapse too now. They will more easliy SPONSOR our gated community TEMPLATE. We create our own little religion/ country of just e HUMAN .. decent and FAIR .. and we will get back TOTAL HUMAN Health that has been SHATTERED.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 1:00 pm.
This went ever faster stronger over these last decades. But by the 80's? 90's we should have been paying MORE attention! Everything was going to extreme. Certainly by 2000 we were in the space of beggining insanity which is now FULLY CERTIFIED INSANE. EXTREME will always destroy. We just followed along with EVERYTHING EXTREME like little SHEEP. no questions, no wondering is this the right way to go. Just follow the shepherd. Now we must pay for our irresponsible lazy behaviour. But sad YOUNG PEOPLE must pay the most! Maybe the WAR should be against greedy old people? Very few of the 300 here (nursing home!!) have any CLUE what we did to society. They should get a HUGE Up-charge "NO Senior discount for you!" 🤬
NO! "Special" is STUPID because ONLY NORMAL and natural is how (god) set up the world. PLUS be decent and FAIR, kind and caring to all means we need no WOMEN, GAY or DIVERSITY ? LAWS. REAL HUMANS (not zombies) are just NORMALLY DECENT to each other. If not .. get off the planet!
maybe that is part of the idea only more serious things MAKE MONEY?
WE are addicted, but too STUPID TO EVEN KNOW IT! It took (10) years for LA to ban phones? They would have been banned in my class in 2010! But today sorry STUPID parents are screaming .. it's my Childs right to be available. OMG 😱 please KILL ME! I see how some of these brats behave ! "I/m special I have rights"Yes because your parents did ZERO parenting!
So LAZY and irresponsible .. why I say this SYSTEM and its WHYs is a GIFT but ONLY if each of us USES IT and takes PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
Yeah .. they probably were .. but ONLY by the very few top ruling families not the THEM we refer tpo. If EY people and Davos are now AFRAID just like us .. even creating the term POLYCRISIS (ALL CRISIS aT ONCE!)
Interconnection. entanglement
WHOA!! check this .. from .."why are some criticizing the concept?"
"Much ink has been spilled debating whether the notion of polycrisis is an empty buzzword or a relevant concept that can provide new and important insights (Homer-Dixon et al. 2023). In the inaugural session of the 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) summit, “De-Globalization or Re-Globalization?”, for example, Adam Tooze advocated polycrisis as an apt characterization of the state of the world, while Historian Niall Ferguson dismissed the term as an “illusion” and “mirage,” arguing that humanity’s present troubles are “just history happening.”
At their worst, such debates are merely academic squabbles over semantics, but the consequences aren’t trivial. As Christopher Hobson notes in his blog Imperfect Notes on an Imperfect World, “The language we use to frame and comprehend our world helps shape it.” He then quotes Didier Fassin and Axel Honneth: “The way people interpret crises—exaggerate, minimize, or deny them and cope with, protest against, or resolve them—gives shape to what these crises come to be, and in return, dialectically, the crises affect the fate of those involved.” The debate over polycrisis has raised several important and consequential issues."
from further down
"Kluth argues that there is nothing fundamentally new in our situation, and that instead of coining new terms we should get back to business as usual by focussing on individual crises separately from one another."
NO! NO NO! That is how we got here .. DISCONNECTING Human HEALTh. We need 9 factors to be healthy and they all connect together. meet with one you affect the other! WRONG Mr KLUTH! You are a LEFT brain! You must LISTEN to us and LEARN ..or we will have to kill you.👿
WE Need our OCTOCRACY .. no more DUMBocracy. The octopus forms OUR 9 factors of TOTAL Human Health .. and THEN we worry about personal health. First .. we have to take our SICK SOCIETY (the TOXIC soup we live in) and turn it DECENT again. Hmm I guess we have to get the NEW soup ready (see Action STEPS) .. then we jump in and pitch the old soup, once everybody has copied our RECIPE. 😃 The Gift is the RECIPE for all to replicate.
But there is only ONE FAIR CERTIFICATION department for Corporations to get FAIR Certified. Nome inauthentic HE, CSR, ESG blah blah. QUIET! I am. HOME Ec teacher .. we are going to run our ORDER SYSTEM .. like a HUMAN Home and Family (just bigger twin when itaght it in the 70's // come on! EC stands for ECONOMOICS .. we share and trade like a human family. If only I new more about BLOCKCHAIN! Join us! We need so many different skills! But you MUST work to BALANCE your brain .. we may need to kill FAR left brains. BECAUSE THEY ARE DESTROYING HUMANITY. Sad .. because they are DISABLED .. they are missing the THINKNG PART of their bRAIN and refuse to LISTEN. Kluth above, (re Polycrisis) stays in his own idea and refuses to ENLARGE his perspective. Narrow closed minded, Left brains have destroyed our TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 5:00 pm
I never understood Globalization. Huh I was just learning business and was amazed at an inventor's attitude. "don't you want to make jobs FOR CANADIANS?" I could Never compete on price. So make CRAP and ship our jobs away. Here was the first yelling "NO .. this is NOT SMART!" that was IGNORED. Left brain people ignored all THINKER wisdom .. now you have to live with you consequences. BUT DAMN IT WHY DO WE?? Is it any wonder we fantasize about killing people who just will NOT listen. Why is it ok to kill for Netanyahu. We are only killing very GUILTY people of DESTROYING civilization with STUPIDITY. I know it is MEAN to kill disabled people. If they want to organize their asylum and manage themselves in ANOTHER gated community AWAY from us GOOD Humans .. no problem. No Rulers EVER give the enemy a choice. I am so nice.😈
We passed say a winter coat on to KIDS! Seriously .. shoes lasted decades. I have personally watch planned destruction (obsellecnese in action
Globalization .. perfect for corporations .. less cost except did they INCLUDE transport .. probably .. BUT Realizing things will FALL APART so we must by them again. Back in the university "Consumer Class" that FAILED and was CANCELLED (Proof education is a con and only CONTROLS our brain for corporations) This falling apart FAST was called planned obsolescence. Perhaps then it referred to wanting a coloured fridge vs just white, or a shower stall vs just in tub. . Planned obsolesce has EVOLVED into planned DESTRUCTION. I had a coat I loved that lasted only maybe 4 years, totally fell apart. I just replaced with complaints. The replacement fell apart in 2 years. My shoes used to last many years now it seems like 18 months?!! Sorry but I have ugly underwear from the ?90's .. new stuff is dead in a few years. SURE corporations make a KILLING ON US with their PLANNED terrible quality! But they also killed the environment! Because us stupid SHEEP just threw stuff out> the lint from our horrible plastic garments is in Iceland and kids drink it. We are evil .. disrespectful, lazy, irresponsible thoughless morons on Resource management. Why do we not even KNOW the word CONSERVATION?
think I put this elsewhere? stress is unbearable (espec demonized yet feeling they failed men)
Our Mind is now controlled by Marketing and public relations. But we can STOP! IGNORE IT .. it's like drugs. If we are all now ADDICTS of some sort .. we either STOP SUPPRTED BY EACH OTHER. Boycott. stake whatever .. if we do not .. we are done. Zombies will be all that is left of us.
What we did WRONG does not NEED to be supported. You do not NEED to shop on SINDAY or buy online. Support your local neighbours NOT corporations. People have tried valiantly to get us to do these things but we really never SERIOUSLY DID. O, better said .. not enough of us did. We have to do it now or we will lose everything. Do you really want all the local businesses and you live in your studio with your amazon screen? Pretty boring if you never THOUGHT that far ahead.
Women raising a HUMAN and running our HOME used to be RESPECTED. Who actually SAID .. have a child .. get it RAISED by DAY CARE while you work. That makes no SENSE. Why do you think kids have NO MANNERS. They were raised by cell phones and child care workers with 25 rowdy kids to manage. When you really think of it NOTHING makes sense. Now we HAVR to work because even with 2 jobs in the family it is TOUGH to manage! It is the media who told us all this crap. I was part of the 60's .. we never put down the home or motherhood! But the media somehow TWISTED us to think we were LESS THAN if we ONLY wanted to raise a family. DAYCARE to raise kids .. sure make humans in a poor run factory. (Daycares surely must struggle to stay open and managing pushed to pay more while parents want to pay less.)
I was not someone dig for a FAMILY .. I recognized what a hard job that was .. but I surely was not someone dying to have some SPECIAL CAREER .. and no one I went to school with or worked with was all CAREER woman. The invention of MARKETING and public relations is actually what destroyed EVERYTHING! And McKinsey teaching corporations "evil".
How can we share when everyone face is in their phone
This is why I keep starting a new WEBSITE .. something new comes along to blow my mind so we could make a list
Our nutrition education programmes provide evidence-based information on healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Learn how to make healthy choices for yourself and your family.
Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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