A GIFT to you .. a SYSTEM to build a Better World
A GIFT to you .. a SYSTEM to build a Better WorldA GIFT to you .. a SYSTEM to build a Better WorldA GIFT to you .. a SYSTEM to build a Better WorldA GIFT to you .. a SYSTEM to build a Better World
Sat. July
empaths ESP (HSP) Right brain Thinkers wanting to UNDERSTAND everything and therefore SLOW to ACT
Left brains, warriors, selfish spectrum .. it is all the same. A focus on self from meanness perhaps not even recognized if just words .. to those constantly looking for the enemy, to those WILLING to harm others to gain .. plus those willing to TORTUE for profit. (CLOSED MIND to the pai caused by disease and the bandaids we use to cover up THE REAL CAUSE. Tunnel vision, DESIRE for PRODUCTIVITY, PROFIT, and POWER has caused the collapse of HUMANITY
Sat. July 6, 2024, 10:30 am.
It WAS "US(we the people) vs THEM (the wealthy and powerful), but now there is a THIRD ENEMY!! Damn I am an idiot! My plan was always to con or bully "THEM" into listening to US and creating a more FAIR decent order. I think that is now easily possible with their recent realization that ALL IS COLLAPSING. I guess the "manifestors", (you know, those who say we who see reality .. are jut NEGATIVE and demonize us) just REFUSE to think more deeply than the "ME/mine, here, NOW!" that makes their life so easy. They are now the biggest enemy because they will HEAR nothing we have to say! They dismiss and demean our ideas with 100% disrespect, no effort whatsoever to UNDERSTAND. They are UNABLE to .. but it is so hard to be forgiving because we right brains DO always continue to LISTEN and LEARN!
for example .. on Henry Ford just now guys in San Luis ibis (Haptx) have invented "gloves" that will allow adding TOUCH to virtual reality games. Looks like it would cost tons! So of course I am ranting and raving "END OF WORLD .. STUPIDITY!!" .. all this "invention" while people have NO job and are starving .. we are inventing sensory gloves for virtual reality GAMES. We deserve to DIE, no respect whatsoever for our HUMAN family and HOME the creator gave us.
BUT!! I continued to LISTEN and learn and HEARD them say this could allow SURGEONS to practise surgery on VIRTUAL humans! I was sold! BUT .. my left brain ENEMIES listen to nothing no mature how many times or ways I try to say SIMPLE things. How hard is it toundersatnd we are too ME/mine, here, NOW foused and it is destroying HUMANS. We have to think before we act thoughtlessly for others and future well being. How do you think we got in this mess? TUNNEL VISION on ME, my "MORE" and profit. WE have to go back to NORMAL and natural .. HUMAN where the common and greater good come FIRST. Left brains get stuck on the ranting. they are unable to collect and connect DIVERGENT ideas. They stay tunnel vision on their "Just LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!" and usually add "you can't even do THAT proerly and yet have such ego you expect to :save the world? what a JOKE you are .. loser" I bet if you were bullied you are a version of Right brain. I must remeber I am way to extreme. Us ESP ( ) are a pain but at least together we CAN save the world. We may have to murder MEAN spectrum people, if they continue to REFUSE to listen to us. 2 THINGS can BOTH be correct. We live SO DIVIDED we forget EVERYTHING CONNECTS! EVEN IDEAS. Everything connects to everything! That makes everything DUAL and we need to BALANCE the opposing sides if we listenWE agree with their ideas .. but ours just need to be done FIRST!. YES! positivity is so correct, YES! being responsible for SELF is so correct .. BUT SO IS .. considering OTHERS well being before I act for me. Almost ALL the things Left brain "Positives" say I agree with .. BUT 2 things can be true! YES! UNLESS WE DO MINE FIRST .. we are dead!
wow is it because they can NOT slow down and recognize an ADDITION to their idea. And our idea is always BEFORE theirs. So THEY feel negated because they have LESS ability to SEE all the layers of fixing a problem. They see only the action side while we want to undersatnd the CAUSE side.
The Left brain is CRUEL because it needs to GET THE JOB DONE. OMG .. this is amazingly more clear! The Left brai DRIVEN to complete a task, but it used to be balanced FIRST with thinkng Right hemisphere! If we had a brilliant money idea the RIGHT brain in a BALANCED BRAIN used to FIRST contemplate causes and consequences and evaluate who the ACTION could harm!
WE NEED you Left brain RESOURCE of MANAGING, Getting the job done! Please LISTEN Learn and join us .. or HUMANS DIE. With no mind and "Heart" R Brain wiring you will continue "alive but not human. No mind and heart means ZOMBIE only. So there is a ZOMBIE spectrum matching the bully to cruel to evil scale. You will continue in a digital A I DYSTOPIA .. a hell we already experience if we are PAYING ATTENTION to more than $$ and POWER. You will survive without us TROUBLESOME questioning, wondering and curious (Is that another name for those conspiracy crazies? 🤔 ) right brain "enemies" But we could HELP each other, we are NOT the enemy.. just the other side of a brain that uswed to be balanced. OMG!! For millenia we had balanced brains and lived ha;f decently! Now w etook EVERYTHING EXTREME and disconnected and we are creatinf EXTINCTION of the human race. We really are at WAR already!! Us vs THEM is really just LEFT brain WARRIORS simplifying and RIGHT brain THINKERS yelling BEWARE. WE INTIMIDATE LEFT Brains .. they are UNABLE to think deeply like us THINKERS. They are the ACTION side of what used to be our HUMAN BALANCED BRAIN! Even 20 years ago would look for more Left brain Managers to help me take my visionary inventions into the Market. But the interent MULTIPLIED the speed of our brain loss and division!
Mon. July 1, 2024, 7:30 am
Those of us who THINK and want to UNDERSTAND see life through a LENSE of chaos and confusion. Nothing makes sense. If we live a life worshipping CONVENIENCE, why is everything hard and we have no time to breathe because we are overwhelmed and stressed? What in our current existence makes sense? Nothing because we have lost our common sense and LOGIC.
Those of us who SEE this, find life a hard struggle. It is all so much easier for those who SIMPLY stick to a "me/ mine, here, NOW" Focus .. and just get the "job" done! We used to have BALANCED BRAINS .. the Right side tried to UNDERSTAND all PERSPECTIVES of the problem, and THEN the Left brain side put things into ACTION. Our Left and Right hemisheres WORKED TOGETHER. hAH!! Interesting parallel .. as we lost our brain wiring in the TOXIC SOUP of our "progress" we had more opposite ability (Think vs act) and as our brain divided .. so we divided as SOCIETY. Humans? (without RB Thinking MIND?) warring against humans in every area of HUMAN LIFE. Are we simply divided into ACTION (LB) and Questioning (RB) camps? McGillchrist's research suggests .. ABSOLUTELY! see "Left brains will destroy civilization." unherd
Unless we LEARN and reconsider our BEHAVIOUR in life, AND SOCIETY UTILIZING McGilchrist's work .. we will .. DIE SOON. Quote from GOOGLE.
"We're destroying nature, we're destroying humanity. We're certainly destroying this civilisation. I'd say we're taking a sledgehammer to (society). And so, this is a very sad outcome for this know-it-all left hemisphere."
Are those of us who like to LEARN and UNDERSTAND the sad lonely depressed and addicted humans? Are Right Brains (with more RB hemisphere wiring) who want to THINK and UNDERSTAND everything, about to EXPLODE in sadness (suicide .. by addiction?) or worse .. explode in RAGE? Seeing that we humans have lost our MIND .. but no one LISTENS .. is a hard life to struggle through. If we have seen decades of no FAIRNESS or justice for our self .. never ending stress does makes GOOD Humans .. behave very BAD. WAR of GOOD Humans against oblivious ZOMBIES ,, could be far less chaotic? WE start a new FAIR decent SYSTEM and maybe zombies will move to our side? But in the meantime .. Listen to us .. bad humans or we need an asylum for you. (Hey it was ok for you to put ? .. the thinkers in asylums in the past!)
Mon. July 1, 2024, 8:45 am.
Just saw a man in a sports car with top down, (stopped driving for cross walk sign) saw him open his door, grab the ball escaped from the sports field and throw it back!! OMG .. never in the world would I be observant or skilled to do that! My mind is up I the air .. not on action IN THE SPORTS FIELD. Maybe I used music to keep me focused REAL WORLD? But that was AMAZING multitasking on drivers part. Judging from his car, obviously successful, so I presume Left brain. I am jealous of his SKILL. We certainly need BOTH. Sharing and trading OPPOSING SKILLS could save HUMANITY!!
But Left Brains must RESPECT Right brains too, not just a ONE WAY street of respect. We are always dismissed as negative, worriers or worse .. LOSERS. Left brains have been BULLIES and by now Right brains are ANGRY. Why do I have to respect your ABILITY .. when you have NEVER respected my skill to look at causes and consequences. I am dismissed as slow to act. and just GET THE JOB DONE. (This is definitely TRUE and why A BALANCED BRAIN is always best. But could we not share our opposite resources and trade our skills? THAT would be LOGIC and make sense!)
I guess the questioning to understand everything, of a more Right Brain human .. is NOT where the PROFIT LIES. Hence our DISMISSAL. Our society respects only PROFIT, POWER or prestige. Left brain simple action toward "ME! mine, here NOW!" gets THEM (LB) the "success". but SHALLOW (simple minded) SELFISH action only creates siloes and BANDAIDS. There is never a REAL solution to ANYTHING, in this world we now live in. Everything is SHALLOW and inauthentic, with no depth to CONNECTION. Everything in our universe CONNECTS .. every person thing and IDEA. But we have disconnected EVERYTHING into "specialization" .. or DIVISION! All is collpasing around us. If we could SHARE and TRADE our opposing L/R brain INTELLIGENCE .. we might be able to save HUMANS from extinction. Do you want to DIE soon .. or start working together.
Mon. July 1, 2024, 10:00 am.
We need to face REALITY. We can PRETEND it is all in our FOCUS .. do we want to pay ATTENTION to the bad .. or the GOOD. Just BREATHE and be mindful of ... that damn word! 🤬 MANIFESTATION!! Those damn Left brains used this .. but we should "manifest" GOOD for ALL .. not just SELF!!! That! is EXACTLY what got us to this CLIFF .. of COLLAPSE and destruction! WE focused only on "ME! /mine, here, NOW" instead of WE/ US everywhere, in the future and the why of the past! SIMPLE, shallow "SELF!" got us here, NARCISSISM! Are there still enough of us GOOD Humans (who think "WE/US" first) to see we have gone SO THE WRONG WAY! The direction of "specialization, self and speed" (S 3 and S4 viruses) are NOT NATURAL .. not NORMAL! Can enough of us SEE the error of our ways and come back to RE- pioneer from Dymbocracy? (Letting daddy look after us .. instead of EACH of us being respectful of others and personally being RESPONSIBLE to MANAGE ALL THE VALUES of OUR HUMAN FAMILY AND HOME's RESOURCES) Maybe we should call our new system ? RESPONSIBLE-ism. or conservation-ism.. Democracy plus Capitalism simply means the winner of TAKE all has the power. Let's build a basic WIN/ WIN for all system.
(explain our CHEATING on the serenity prayer!)
Proof we destroyed the world with our greed = plastic LINT from our clothes has been found in Iceland's water that kids DRINK! We have created a TOXIC SOUP that all the world must suffer from! Maybe the WAR will be against US New world colonizers? Has this toxic soup fried our Thinkng brain! Is the Right hemisphere that THINKS .. more sensitive to toxins?? Republicans, (conservatives) think LESS and just act quickly. People across the world are voting in these " just GET 'er done!" simplifying bully rulers. Is this proof of my fear that Right hemisphere wiring is more sensitive?? I still have mine because I always had ZERO Left brain action ability, but I had tons of QUESTIONING wanting to understand WIRING. Please Please help me not have this WORK be a waste. Let's create my SYSTEM in reality.
Last point re us creating toxic soup for the world. Nature is very delicate. Think about a CROISSANT. Forever i have wondered why I hate them when soggy and someties they are even at the BEST CROISSANT place. Apparently it all depends on the ?humidity .. somehow the atmospher AFFECTS a croissant from delicious to garbage. (in my estimation at least) But if a croissant can god from soggy to crisp just from the surrounding air in baking or pre mixing .. what do you think happens to EVERYTHING as we eliminate every iota of RESPECT FOR NORMAL AND NATURAL. (examples .. waste of every VALUE with a Leaf blower ) Every ACTION afffects our atmosphere and our HUMANITY! PS Stop whining, turkey! Dry the almond croissant in a fry pan or toaster oven .. delicious! .. problem solved!! 🙄.. 😁
That we have destroyed NATURE and NORMAL with our DISRESPECT is easy to SEE! Our destruction of NORMAL is LOGICAL to understand if you are willing to OPEN your mind, listen, HEAR, think, reconsider! But Left brains are UNWILLING to take that time and patience. Though they are brain DISABLED we may have to kill them.👿 .. before they kill us off. We are the GOOD humans because we care about "WE/ US' more than just NOW, and not just simply the SELF!
Sun. June 30, 2024, 2:30 pm.
I have been PAYING ATTENTION to how WEIRD we are .. for almost 70 years! I watched us go from half DECENT humanity to a collapsing society! Surely I have had time to develop some ANSWERS to our problems .. especially since our strange BEHAVIOUR has been my life's obsession. It took me 7 decades to realize I am NOT normal. But was Tesla when he talked to pigeons? I have found his 3/ 6/ 9 as we can relate it to cretig TOTAL Human Health. But to do it you must TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to build a NEW "SYSTEM" with your friends. We will connect all the local SYTEMS with one HUMSAN Family and HOME System .. all CONNECTING to share our HUMAN intelligence and talents. If we go back to SUPPORTING EACH other nd sharing .. we may still survive this LAST WAR. Left brains (ACTION) against Right brains (THINKNG) and hopefully tons of NORMAL BALANCED BRAINS. So many ACT with no "thinking" FIRST today we will have a BIG BATTLE against their simplicity. If the Trump people win .. the win LOSE battle will continue and those still GOOD Humans will die. The zombies will go on in their oblivious digiytal dystopia.
I finally see why my more Left brain action family hates me. I just saw a Lady bug and yelled "what is wrong, it is TOO big .. THAT IS NOT NORMAL!" I guess my poor kids had to listen to that forever. We never paid ATTENTION while every single NATURAL thing went to NOT NORMAL! I have spent almost 7 DECADES WORRYING why nothing was NORMAL. Strawberries are not normal clouds are not NORMAL, we just mostly had cotton batton ones. When I was a kid people would come to the snack bar and say "I am thirsty, get me a coke." What is NORMAL and common sense about that??? I already loved buildings and architecture and recognized our BODY is the catherdral for our soul. Why would we build our body with BROWN SUGAR WATER?? Sure enough by the 1970 after university, we were trying to STOP sugar being added to EVERYTHING because it was worse than smoking!! Did any body listen? Nope .. so here we are .. the SICKEST nation. 56 Names for hidden sugar did a number on our health and BRAIN, it destroyed our brain wiring .. our SMARTS! And then we added the ADDICTION to screens to turn us ZOMBIE oblivious to ALL human life. "normal" behaviour? I THINK!! not. But we have an aversion to THINKNG because it is not fast and easy. Trump could beat Biden in the debate because he never THINKS only BULLIES and BLAMS. EASY way of life. Trying to understand the grey COMPLEXITY of life is hard. Black and whiite simplicity is EASY. Beware if shadow selfish Republicans get I for 4 years. It will mean a FASRE ned to civilization. But .. with sugar screen plus STRESS (because we do not LISTEN .. or LEARN) .. NOW .. we are not just unhealthy people we are a sick SOCIETY! civility is GONE and our humanity is in decline.
YES! There is NORMAL and natural but we replaced it with our "SPECIALNESS". If we are AWARE and paying ATTENTION we know this has NOT worked well. Can we be NORMAL Humans working TOGETHER and return to RE-PIONEER AGAIN with a more simple COMMON SENSE system? It will take all of us TOGETHER .. not "special", but as EQUAL HUMANS to work TOGETHER with great URGENCY. The 'bible" tells every body what to do. It gives "christians" the excuse to blame EVE for all the suffering. 😂 What if it was FAKE News, in order to keep us behaving under the rulers?
But yes .. the creator did make a NATURAL cosmos and he expected us to TREAT IT WITH RESPECT. Instead we TOOK everything for profit and RETURNED only WASTE and TOXINS. WE totally disrespected any NORMAL give/ take system, turned it upside down! What we do is always toxic and not natural! So now we are left with a contagious CANCER of "I'm special, I have rights!" instead of "How can I make life BETTER for our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME". Imagine THAT attitude and behaviour. Do you see how much better THAT would work!?
Maybe the cancerous VIRUS we created is ABNORMAL EVERYTHING. YES there is NORMAL .. like good HUMANS working TOGETHER for the common and GREATER good BEFORE the self. THAT is the NORMAL not the me/ mine, here, NOW!" that has DESTROYED EVERYTHING. Listen to me .. and smarten up .. or we die. Humasn will be extinct before climate change . The thoughtless Left brain zombies will survive for awhile. But do we THINKNG humans even want tolive in that chaos and confusion. We may have to go to WAR .. even with family and friends. Left brain lack of THINKNG FIRST before action is easy .. but will destroy covilzation. (link) YES! Eveythingis ABNORMAL .. nothing is NATURAL .. we are WEIRDER than me. But take my weitrd resecrh and devlopment and if I am right TEY are just LOUDER screaming .. we quiet GIOOD HUMANS can still WIN THE LAST WAR. But we need to ACT together immediately.
car ad .. kid asking .. wow .. that is me and me in image BELOW making everybody SAD. 😪 But NOW is the time when my oblivion to what a PAIN I am can be VERY useful to save humans. Please please use my wasted life for some good! ASking so many QUESTIONS .. and then having time to find a few answers, is why you should listen. The biggest question .. re daughte .. dreamed the answer could stop wars. If you LISTEN and USE the design SYSTEM created you could save America and the world. (who am I )
Sun. June 30, 2024, 7:00 am.
My INTUITION told me at 9 in (1956?) that this was a WEIRD world. Hmm .. and it was HERE in Toronto, visiting from the farm that I felt that first concern that all was not right with society. I then spent my life wondering why nothing made sense to me. I was too stupid to realize I was a WEIRD one. (That weird obsessive Autistic? ADD, ESP Bipolar can HELP YOU a lot now. I wasted my life and invested everything proving things were going the worm way and building a better way to find TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. As a kid I WONDERED why people drank sugar water if THIRSTY, and were THOUGHTLESS to the effect their behaviour had on OTHERS and their own Health. Questioning wondering curiousity steals your personal life. BUT .. that obsession with COLLECTING and CONNECTING what was destroying our HUMAN Health can now serve you well.
I apolgize right to begin, I have been yelling since the (invention) of the INTERNET about better ways to make us a HEALY Society .. but no one listened. For akmost 30 years no one LISTENED. !0 or so years ago I began yelling that a train is coming AND WE ARE BUILDING OUR HUMAN FAMILY ON THE TRACK! Nobody listened (altho by then I was terrible at sales, so I take most blame). But now I think it may be too late for us to utilize my efforts to design a solution .. a better SYSTEM for HUMAN Health. So please ignore my yelling ANGER .. and just try to LEARN that Mcgilchrist's Left Brian UNDERSTANDING could save us. If we still THINKING (connecting diverse ideas) Right brain or even better .. "BALANCED BRAIN Humans" GET TOGETHER maybe we can stop the collapse of civilization (LINK!)
AS I write this it is CANADA DAY weekend. I have always loved America far more because they are proud of their country and proud to say "I am an AMERICAN" (Pride can create problems if it becomes tunnel vision (TV 2.0), But not if it is simply PRIDE at what these adventurous PIONEERS have built TOGETHER.
Guess what Canada's biggest? city is doing? PRIDE alright .. 3 or 6 PRIDE PARADES after a month of STEALING the word PRIDE and rainbows. we are PRETENDING to be inclusive and loving .. and all we do is DIVIDE. "Diversity" is a CON job to DIVIDE us! Unless we start facing our HUMAN connected not divided FAMILY is being DESTROYED we have no hope to save our extinction. Narcissistic selfish shallow beings are not humans they are ZOMBIES. This is the 3rd day of parades and celebrations shutting down the NAIN STREETS! I have heard nothing about a SHARED COUNTRY .. an experience of PRIDE we came as pioneers and made 2 ?peaceful countries out of it.
Sorry but my disgust with Canada is now COMPLETE. Proof of COUNTRY and CONNECTED HUMANS was overtaken by the DIVISION of even "gay". I REFUSE your stupid divisive LGBQRsTUVXYZ! Do you not SEE the idiotic IRONY of this alphabet NONSENSE? Even the gays are now divided. 😂 I do not CARE what you do in your bedroom. I was never MEAN to familt and GOOD firnds who are gay. But when you scream something at Extra Sensitive people they start to hate the whole NONSENSE. Love is love they say. How about showing some love for the Human race. We worry about extinction animals . Do we seriously not see our DIVISIONS are extonscting HUMANS?? to survive we have to WORK Togeth for a common and greater good .. but sugar screens and stress have fried our brain wiring. We can not even SEE our stupidity. "Me/mine here, NOW!" is all that matters. The SELF is destroying civilization. Maybe if we wake up, grow up! take some PERSONAL responsibility .. and WE actually work on the "We/ Us" HUMAN Life Ledger VALUE we still can save ourselves from the VIRUSes far worse than covid.
Biden's failure in the debate is also caused by holding many facts in brain at once. Life is FAR EASIER when you SIMPLIFY the duality (All is good AND bad) only to what suits YOU best. We live in a SHALLOW (stupid?) Selfish (greedy?) society. The reason all is collapsing
Sun. June 30, 2024, 6:45 am.
When half of America would rather listen to a Tunnel Vision (TV 2.0) Blow hard Bully (Trump) .. than a doddering old man (Biden) who is AT LEAST is trying to pull many things together.. we have surely reached a new Level of Shallow Selfishness. I have ranted we live in a "ME/ mine, here, NOW" society for more than a decade. But if we were paying ATTENTION, the book "NARCISSISM Epidemic" was already written in 2009. That is 15!! years ago, just like the "DEATH of Common Sense"! 15 years .. we paid no ATTENTION .. just went on our entitled elitist INDIVIDUAL ("I'm Special, I have RIGHTS!" way. Well apologies dear blood family .. I am RIGHT .. unless we start acting like a HUMAN FAMILY .. WE are DEAD! Zombies will remain in the dystopia they created but REAL humans that actually consider OTHER HUMANS will very soon DIE .. of Heart break .. or RAGE at not being listened to.
Why do you have to listen to me? .. because my WEIRDNESS can help you NOT DIE. If you are a good HUMAN you will soon either lash out in RAGE, or commit suicide, no longer able to handle the never ending stress and loss of HOPE. We good HUMANS are a new H!! bomb on a soon to explode timer. Good HUMANS can not continue living through years of lost trust, hope and feelings of powerlessness. Sadly, many GOOD humans are becoming the zombies that have created this Dystopia. The overwhelming overload of stress MAKES good HUMANS have to FOCUS ONLY ON THE SELF .. JUST TO SURVIVE.
When you have no TIME to THINK .. Trump becomes a simple alternative. I suggest Biden is at least trying to pull together many problems and I certainly lose my direction half the time. I am an idiot in MANAGING my life or the multi task of business but listening to my collected CONNECTION Theory will serve you BETTER than those that DISMISS me. Why do I judge who is a GOOD human? It is not people who go to CHURCH and read the Bible that god wants in HEAVEN! It is people not willing to harm others to get to their OWN shallow INDIVIDUAL ("I'm Special!" Goal. The NARCISSISM we feed off in our custom, individual RIGHTS society will destroy HUMANITY very very soon. Inability to SEE wider and further than you own SELFISH SHALLOW goals, is not just the end of CIVIL society but the extinction of REAL good working TOGETHER Humans.
The right brain questions and wonders and wants to UNDERSTAND so that ACTION will be the best possible. IN NORMAL HUMANS .. Once the Right brain has contemplated past causes and possible future consequences of ACTION .. THEN the task is set in motion. A Left brain jumps in like a WARRIOR. Worrier more right brains feel attacked and often become confused. WE look like the idiot because we are trying to hold DIFFERENT IDEAS TOGETHER all at once. Everything and everyone CONNECT. ONLY by connecting IDEAS .. Listening, HEARING, Learning, RE-THINKING, Re- considering, compromising
So interesting we thought the natives proimitive. They existed for millennia. We come alog and destroy everything in 250 years. More like 70 or 100 .. don't blame the PIONEERS and early inventor's who meant well .. like Hnery Ford. He was RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE .. something we have comp[letely lost in our entitled want everything NOW .. MORE faster and easier. Do we THINK at ALL? Before ACTION .. we must consider WE and US , space and time (future consequence) Since Left brains run the world .. we just JUMP IN with no contemplation. WE create bandaids and silos with only PROFIT and power as goal. Our TUnnel Vision will destroy us. Our CIVILITY is long gone, now we are on the verge of losing our HUMANITY. Zombies will continue to exist in their dystopia. But devoid of humans .. earth will have no SPIRIT or soul. Proven by the art colleges that are now CLOSING. REAL Humanity does not even require a banking and stock market economy. Let's change our SYSTEM to a HUMAN stock exchange market that trades human INTELLIGENCE, skills and talents. Unless we RE-connect .. left and right brains since our BALANCE is lost
mcgilchrist .. I have taken it to what we SEE daily
Mon. June 24, 2024, 8:15 am.
We have had 60 years to stop the destruction of our HUMAN HOME. Rachel Carlson (link) was yelling damage WARNINGS in the 1960's. 🙈 We slept right though the warnings. In the 90's PK Howard showed us we were LOSING OUR COMMON SENSE to the LAZINESS of LAWS instead (link). Why did we ignore the warning that we were stopping the HUMAN ability to THINK? Not caring to UNDERSTAND, not curios about BETTER solutions we have proceeded to destroy civilization and humans. Our collapse is NOT decades away .. it is very soon. But if we get together and SHARE our HUMAN Intelligence RESOURCES .. we still could save Human EXTINCTION. (Oblivious "phone faced" Zombies are no longer human! sorry to shock you .. 🙀)
There are 2 Kinds of Intelligence. THINKING "smarts" and managing ACTION "smarts". The THINK smart is in a HUMAN's Right Hemisphere, and the ACTION smart is in the Left Brain. In NORMAL times the 2 hemispher's had mostly BALANCED brain wiring. More R B Thinkers were the Inventors who got together with the more Left brain Manager Types and INVENT real useful make life BETTER things. With mostly BALANCED brains we could DISCUSS and LEARN form others ideas. First we would THINK causes, consequences etc .. and only THEN would we ACT .. (unless a wolf was coming to eat us .. and THEN we would act without thought.) This LISTENING LEARNING from others, before acting, let humans live for millennia with slow PROGRESS to better things. But something happened when we invented Marketing. Maybe SELLING any old thing became more important than quality of life. At the same time SUGAR was frying our brains. Seems RIGHT brain THINKING wiring is more sensitive .. because we lost our ABILITY to think with common sense, about when convenience foods took over! Sugar has 56 names and it destroys will power. In a society of CONSUMPTION .. how perfect!
YES! We have LOST OUR MIND .. "WE STUPID!" (or crazy? how is it the power structure (link Davos) that CAUSED our brain destruction is also SCARED? You caused our health destruction and you do not UNDERSTAND why EVERYTHING is collapsing? I guess it is like a teenager jumping off a roof for fun and WONDERING WHY HE BROKE HIS BODY!
Are we stupid teenager's unaware we can cause our death?? It is time to listen to the few PARENTS that are left in the room (our human home!)! Listen to the Right brain THINKERS who are the WORRIERS and the "selfless" on those 2 Brain SPECTRUMS (link!) we ARE our brain .. our mind and "heart" are in our Right wiring it would seem. PLUS Right brains are the HSP (ESP .. EXTRA sensitive to EVERYTHING people) people who have been the Canary's in the coal mine yelling DANGER .. but those damn TEENAGERS won't listen!!
Hopefully there are MORE of us THINKERS? The people in the photo above are sad because they SEE what a mess everything is. The HAPPY GUY is oblivious .. and CAUSED THE MESS. It would be easy to just murder him .. but he is BRAIN DEAD .. disabled .. lost his MIND and "heart" to the S4 virus and TV 2.0. I learn new EVERY DAY .. It seems maybe the mind and "heart" are separate? Fauci is not "heart less" just TUNNEL VISION (T V 2.0) on disease and cure. Why no one thinks CAUSE is because they are tunnel vision on $$. Finding "cause" makes no PROFIT.
YIKES .. are the evil drug companies any different than the nerds who want to make A I craziness for fun to be the next big company? Never mind A I will kill us!!
Fri. June 28, 2024, 9:00 am.
Based on the work of Dr Iain McGilchrist, please see UNHERD "Left brains are destroying CIVILIZATION" .. please read. (The
Trump Biden debate last nite would show how we "live in an era of REDUCTIONISM" .. or .. simplifying! We simplify the Biden was lost. But he had to recover from constant bullying .. vs both just FOCUSING on ways to HELP FIX AMERICA. Such a SAD predicament.)
Why is the onion image SO BIG? A problem or idea is an onion. If we don't care we just grab the crackle shell and generalize or simplify. If we think a tiny bit more we may change our mind (considering it the inner elastic skin) But what humans USED TO DO is work thru the onion layers together DISCUSSING differing ideas. Do we just grab the 2 outer shells of an (onion) problem and then demonize the OTHER? That is not how a HUMAN SOCIETY can be run!
Is life a conveyor belt of onions .. or problems, constantly thrown at us to solve? Maybe because we have no time we simplify and grab the shell .. and just pitch the onion. But that does not create a QUALITY MEAL. A bunch of shells are just onion (problem) GARBAGE .. like what our society is today. To solve problems for a REAL better quality of life, it takes TIME and PATIENCE to THINK and DISCUSS. Our Rushed society just wants to GET THE JOB DONE, Left Brains "accomplishing". Our fast action without thought is now a disaster of collapsing SYSTEMS.
There is also a "WARRIOR vs Worrier spectrum" research that completely relates. If one is attacked by a wild animal, using the Left brain's ACTION wiring is very helpful.😰 But the only way to REALLY solve a problem is to think thru ALL THE LAYERS that created it and could solve it. Like the onion above, the BEST solution is always to PEEL through the layers .. NOT just grab the 2 outer shells, and scream at the opposing side. 🙈 But, we live in a SHALOW society that wants FAST and EASY, and has lost ALL COMMON SENSE! see P K Howard. The Biden Trump debate is a perfect example of our "Simplify and demonize" NONSENSE Behaviour. This example of the devolvement of AMERICAN character is very sad to watch. America IS actually collapsing .. how do we have time and energy to to waste screaming at each other. Unless we share our brain resources CIVILLY like NORMAL humans .. our boat is SINKING. We either BAIL together .. or die.
No more JUST blaming, we TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to calmly LISTEN TO EACH OTHER, and actually HEAR! Learn! and RECONSIDER so we can compromise to build a BETTER SYSTEM .. but for ALL. No more "win/ lose", the SEPARATED silos are NOT for the benefit of "we the people". DISCONNECTED Silo systems, simply waste more of the money that we poorer souls must pay in TAXES. 😈
We will build a SYSTEM for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH that provides all the factors we need to be not just health but hav FUN with each other. We are losing that ability and only are at war in our little "special" groups. FORGET SPECIAL. NO!! Special isallowed here. SPECIAL is what got us into this DIVIDED mess! Maybe there are no evil Ruling families the wanted to divide us .. maybe it is simply the "IRONY of the INTERNET". It allowed us to connect with our people but in so doing COMPLETELY DIVIDED US!
Wed. June 26, 2024, 9:00 am
At this moment I did a page for further on, screaming at Left Brain "ACTION people" who are link) destroying Civilization. I thought what a pain this yelling is for RIGHT brain THINKERS who already KNOW because they want to UNDERSTAND everything. Left brain ACTION BRAINS just want to get the job done and will always only create bandaid simple "solutions". With more THOUGHT, contemplation of past causes and future possible consequences a REAL SOLUTION may be found. But only by considering the past and future to understand the entire "TIME LEDGER". TIME HAS VALUE! When you contemplate (THINK ABOUT) causes and worry over CONSEQUENCES (future) you are valuing the HUMAN TIME LEDGER. because we VALUE only "me/mine, here, NOW" we have destroyed our HUMAN HOME .. but also our HUMAN FAMILY.
The only way to possibly? reverse the destruction our greed has caused .. is to go back to NORMAL and NATURAL HUMAN. For millennia people contemplated what they were doing before acting with simplistic PROFIT mission. Did we really not expect everything to COLLAPSE when only the $ .. was the goal? Out with DECENCY .. out with FAIRNESS .. never mind manners .. all is for SELF. A Win/ LOSE society will never succeed. If we think A I will be "progress" ? .. yes to progress to the final DYSTOPIA, where only OBLIVIOUS humans .. ZOMBIES! devoid of MIND and "heart" (? found in the MISSING Right brain wiring?) "progress" to zombie land since THINKNG humans will overdose or commit suicide in the chaos and confusion of DISCONNECT.
So Sorry .. I am confused who I am writing for. I fall into rage at those who have caused our collapse. But they will not have to PATIENCE to try to UNDERSTAND this .. and we be gone with CANCELLING me.
Hopefully there are some still THINKNG not simplifying everything people on the Trump side. Apparently the world is turning to the SIMPLE conservative side of politics. It will probaby be WORSE. We need to SHARE our opposite brain RESOURCE. A NORMAL Human has a right brain Hemisphere to first THINK before THEN ACTING .. with the left brain. When we simplify and act WITHOUT thinkng first all goes to hell .. as we now see. I think politicians and rulers are all Left brain now. Their SOLE Tunnel Vision focus is profit POWER and prestige. Their goal is NOT 'we the people" That is why us FAIR decent HUMANS must take over ruling! We could do it by voting for everything OURSELF .. with the BLOCKCHAIN LEDGER. EACH OF US need to be responsible for our quality of life. Voting every 4 years is just DUMBocracy. And GREED Capitalism is not human! Right brains are FULL humans but we are slow and indecisive. Left brains get everything done BUT WITH NO HUMAN INSIGHT. Hah INSIGHT! There we go again with another SEE word. I keep saying to my left brain family "can't you SEE that ..",. NOPE .. devoid of your Right brain Wiring that wants to UNDERSTAND things .. you can NOT SEE big picture. Insight would be like looking INWARD to UNDERSTAND. Left brains want to get the job done .. so they became the ones in charge, We Right brains hope for FAIR .. less focused on SELF.
Hopefully some souls are just frustrated NOTHING WORKS and have moved to the "political right". If there are more of us right BRAINS who WANT FAIR and DECENT basic quality of life for all .. IF we get together and BOYCOTT the old .. make a template of NEW .. people will join us when they SEE our life is BETTER. Simpler like the pioneers or mennonites .. but a BETTER HAPPIER less stressed life! The phone 24/ 7 has to go .. in huge part we quit having BALANCED BRAIN and being able to DISCUSS once the phi went STUPID EXTREME!!
Perfect example of DUALITY .. and why we are at war! Leftr brains SIMPLY grab the IDEA .. wheres Right brains want to understand it fully .. evaluate and analyze befor eUSING it .. but in MODERATION!
Wed. June 19, 2024, 10:00am
If I gave you a great awesome GYM MEMBERSHIP GIFT, it would be NO GIFT .. if you did not USE it. PLEASE use this gift! It is a LIFETIME of questions .. finally the answers are CLEAR! Almost 7 decades invested obsessively WONDERING, Designing a better way. The world does not work well? Isn't there a BETTER WAY to organize it? Why does nothing WORK? Why is everything stupid? (like WAR ..nobody really wins! just destruction and pain, with no REAL solution). Why are people mean? The answer to the last question, an UNDERSTANDING of right brain left brain personality spectrum .. ANSWER to EVERYTHING. Things make so much more SENSE once you comprehend Dr Mcgilchrst's Hemisphere work.
Left brains are destroying Civilization. The gift to YOU is to decide which part of the Left Act or Right THINK!! first BRAIN Hemisphere spectrum you want to be on. My other 17 attempts (websites on TOTAL Health) were attempts to clarify the "THEORY of EVERYTHING .. HUMAN". But now that walking in society it feels so clear .. this has become a GIFT FOR YOU .. to CHOOSE the side you want to be on. War is STUPID .. but good must fight bad. There is only GREY in real human life so please come onto the RIGHT THINKNG spectrum side. Slowing down progress is not BAD. In fact hurried progress with NO THINKNG of causes of problems or consequences of solutions is what has cause dour LAST COLAPSE. Dr Mcgilchrist wrote his books in 2009 .. it is 15 years of more DAMAGE we have done to our HOME and HUMAN FAMILY. Please accept this gift of a NEW SYSTEM for TOTAL HUMAN Health .. but join the LIGHTER grey side of the WAR. War is stupid because you are not bad or good. But are you mostly GOOD .. or very BAD. Sorry we must kill people who are greedy and willing to harm others with no care for anything but SELF.
Let's work on returning to NORMA!!!!! YES!! There is NORMAL and natural. Our insanity is showing when the Canadian site is worried about gays and "diversity" (the DIVIDER tool) while the train is coming and we are ON THE TRACKS. We are drowning in a TOXIC soup and you are worried about GAY?? How about we come together as HUMANS and be FAIR and decent to ALL. THSAT is the REAL solution! Not Flags and parades. Just be DECENT and FAIR to all .. THINK common and greater good BEFORE self. our "I am special! I have RIGHTS!" will destroy us. TOGETHER as HUMANS CONNECTING ourselves and our ideas we may still be able to save our EXTINCTION. REAL Humans will die soon. Oblivious to others, Zombies will "live" on .. in their DYSTOPIA.
This is your GIFT .. a membership in a REVERSE WORLD .. one were the common and greater good .. the WE/ US Life Ledger comes FIRST. we stop our addiction to em/ mine here now and replace it with the HUMAN value calculation of EVERYTHING. What damage is my behaviour doing to others? How does my lazy IRRESPONSIBILITY affect my HUMAN Home and family. natives KNEW this and lived just fine for many centuries! We come along and with our SELFISH SHALOW behaviour .. DESTROY everything. All our systems are in collapse. Which side do you choose? The THINKING .. contemplate before ACTION is taken for ALL things .. or the selfish shallow side only in it for the self? The thoughless fat easy ACTION side has already destroyed so much. But many are just stressed or brain disabled. the S3 virus has destroyed their THINKNG right brain wiring. If only they join our side and LISTEN. They can use OUR right hemisphere ,.. we will share! But sorry .. those unwilling to come to the "THINK First!" side will have to die. They are ACTUALLY destroying us unlike Netanyahu (the perfect example of LOST Right brain wiring .. either evil or disabled .. unable to SEE win lose only creates DESTRUCTION. Please INSTEAD join the WIN/ WIN side. What an amazing gift oi am giving you. almost 70 years of curiousity and creativity in design. A life time INVESTED .. while YOU were off on your cruises! I don't LIKE you .. but I am doing this for YOUNG PEPLE given WORSE than nothing. They have a collapsing civilization we left them. Seniors have selfishly done EVIL! Come bac to the GOOD side!
Tues. June 18, 2024.
Are there still MORE of us GOOD Humans? Way too many of us have been STRESSED selfish and shallow. Shallow is the apth toward STUPID. Selfish is the scale or spectrum toward EVIL. Selfish turns to mean, to creul to greed whack is pretty EVIL. Having no HEART for others and a MIND only for the SELF is evil. So we are DIVIDING for the last WAR .. good humans against BAD. If we are STRESSED into BAD we can grab our SELF ..STOP and make change once we feel SUPPRTED, connected and valued for our SELF.
WE are each different and have special skills to contribute. BUt here there will be no gay or diversity or "women in power". NOPE NONE of that .. These shallow ideas are PURELY PUSHED by media to DIVIDE us. We are a TEAM of ONLY HUMANS all wanting the same .. "TOTAL HUMAN Health" or just basic quality of life, of which we have NONE! You CAPITALISTS can have your yachts and jets .. just let is shelter, eat and have some fun, with clean water and aIR to breathe. TOTAL HUMAN Health requires MUCH MORE than $$$ and Physical Health! We can replace $ by just trading and sharing our skills and energy like pioneers! With a CONNECTED Human community, $$'s are not even necessary!
What we want more than extra $ or lack of disease pain .. we want TRUST, HOPE, SECURITY, ORDER (a feeling of control) ...
Tues. June 18, 2024, 3:30 pm.
This is a GIFT TO YOU to solve this HUGE PROBLEM we created. My skill is collecting and CONNECTING divergent ideas with a focus on NORMAL NATURAL HEALTH of SOCIETY or humanity. MY perseverance and persistence can help you enormously. You have all the skills and talents I am MISSING .. networking, selling, finding SPONSORS to partner with us and managing to actually GET THE JOB DONE. I will still be researching investigating and designing as we collapse in our H Bomb .. humans enraged at injustice .. EXPLODING. It is a time bomb about to go off SOON. But with YOUR RESOURCES .. your managing mind (more Left brain) .. we THINKERS (Right brain) can contribute to SAVE our earth and HUMANITY though our imaginative MIND. Like everything wonder and curiosity are amazing RESOURCES but in excess with no BALANCE .. we get nowhere. But quick action only creates bandaids .. no REAL SOLUTIONS. All the Disconnection brought on by only focusing on profit is now showing its destructiveness. Quit with "sustainable" .. what we need is RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESOURCE management in that manner by EVERY HUMAN! Have we EVER stalked about CONSERVATION? More proof we are crazy oblivious sugar fried brain .. zombies. We need to CONSERVE .. that means ACT only with our HOME (earth) and FAMILY (humans) constantly in mind! My Gift to you is a NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM .. constantly calculating REAL value of any action.
I held back behind the weed growing out on the sidewalk. The person coming toward me appreciated my CONSIDERATION and said "thank you". This is how Humanity SHOULD behave. This is what makes you a GOOD human. (add sorry car and swearing)
Is CIVILITY just constantly calculating the VALUE of our behaviour's effect on OTHERS and our earth home .. before we ACT?? Today, too may ACT .. only with self in mind?? "Me/ Mine, here, now" is the mantra of far too many of us today. This was NOT our behaviour before SCREENS on sugar fried brain! (If you are just STRESSED selfish, please join us and REGAIN your "GOOD Human". But it will take LISTENING, LEARNING and RECONSIDERING simplification of fast and easy answers.
There is a freeway entrance I always hang back from when cars are lined up. If I let the go before oncoming traffic comes .. they can ALL get home a little faster. But if it is pouring or I am lugging heavy groceries I let them wait while I cross. e GIVE but sometimes we TAKE. Sadly Left brain people get ahead of us .. because they mostly take. But really because they can not SEE like we do. Thinkers see far and wide while Left brains SEE close up. But this is what has created the toxic soup VIRUS. Everything done must be FAST and EASY. Sorry but being HUMAN is HARD. Creating a FAIR system is HARD. WE are going to QUIT fast and easy and RETURN to thoughtful CIVILITY. The common and greater good must ALWAYS be first
Tues. June 18, 2024, 3:15 pm.
Hmm .. could we call it a RESPONSIBLE Global, calm quiet REVOLUTION? (Like quiet quitting only more damage. QUIT PARTICIPATING. BOYCOTT the phone, google, social, competition, extreme, MORE faster and easier, DELIVERY. If we get TOGETHER with a sponsor worried about the (POLYCRISIS) we can build our OWN church/ country ORDER SYSTEM .. but with US uncharge. We will share and trade our skills and talents in return for shelter, food and FUN.
WE can RE- Pioneer! Now that the RULERS you know the THEM of our us/ them struggle ADMIT they are scared go the MESS they made, they will be MORE likely to sponsor building a BETTER TEMPLATE for TOTAL Human Health.
Sat. June 22, 2024, 8:00 pm.
I have a library of thousands of books just skimmed a little. You get their knowledge with out buying them. I wondered these question when I was a kid .. and at 77 finally feel like I am beginning to understand
Remember .. only one thing is GIVEN .. that is DUALITY! Everything is good AND bad. The struggle with life is to find the balance, the MODERATION .. NOT EXCESS and EXTREME in order to keep an idea or Invention on the GOOD side of the balance SCALE. Extreme will always take EVERYTHING bad (Explain kindness .. fish vs fishing ROD! = CARING) BUT .. everything say .. will always have a BUT! Extreme destroys. Can EXTREME or excess ever be GOOD? Or .. can there ever be too much "common sense"?
So "Everything is DUAL" is a generalization .. a NORMAL and NATURAL. but normal and NATURAL always have anomally's. We must be ready for the anomaly's BUT ACCEPT THERE IS A NORMAL GENERALIZATION. Instead of normal / natural we have gone to we are all SPECIAL. If that is what you want .. go away! That is exactly what caused our collapse. Humans need ORDER. If we SEPARATE EVERYTHING we just end up with a bunch of little cliques all separated from each other. Our separation and disconnect from normal and NATURAL has become ludicrous! teaching little kids about gay is evil. Great way to confuse them early on. I were had anything against any one .. I was never mean to ANYONE. because very one of us is a HUMAN and we are a HUMAN FAMILY and this is our HUMAN home. Of course we are each different and should never be bullied or harmed because of it. But celebrating EVERY difference ONLY CREATES A BUNCH OF SELF ABSORBED zombies. We should be spending our time trying to figure out how we come together to BAIL .. our sinking boat. Instead we waste money and time on taking kids to gay parades? It is time we start CELEBRATING NORMAL NATURAL HUMANS. Each one to be treated with FAIR decent behaviour. We either remember we are the same and NEED the same to exist .. or we die!
So if you want to waste time calling me names and demonizing me as .. whatever .. you are the READON for our collapse! see if you can learn to LISTEM .. HAR .. THINK .. reconsider your viewpoint .. becasue SORRY mine is the RIGHT one. Because you are shallow minded and have tiunnel vision. TV 2.0 is the VIRUS that will soon kill us all. Correction .. people who do not THINK are already zombies, not human. THINKING is necessary to have a soul. Your mind and "heart" are in your right brain. If your wiring is destroyed you are disabled .. so I apologize for yelling at you. Please BORROW our right THINK wiring and we surly need your ACTION wiring to move forward .. but to a HUMAN Solution .. not a DIVIDED destructive one.
Mon. June 24, 2024, 5:30 pm. The 12 steps we MUST take together to succeed.
Took a lifetime and still needs you to NOW flesh out the skeleton plan! Here is the recipe, the Design PLAN .. the formula for the VAX for our STUPID sickness .. TV 2.0! (our tunnel vision on ME/ MORE, faster, easier has created a SICK Society. The H Bomb (Still thinking HUMANS exploding!) is about to go off. The timer is about expired .. but if we URGENTLY get TOGETHER and share our opposite resource .. THINK .. and then ACT Listening and discussing like CIVIL Humans, vs DEMONIZING and SCREAMING stupidity, we could yet survive. But ONLY if we HURRY.
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Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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