Wed. June 26, 2024, 9:00 pm.
In the 70's we tried stop sugar from being added to procssed foods. I think it was said to be WORSE than smoking and illegal drugs. Of course the sugar companies did NOT let us succeed. So I have been RAGNG against hidden sugars and their 56 names forever .. noe adding phones have physically fried our brains vs chemically. We are tunnel vision TV 2.0 on our INDIVIDUAL screens so it is even worse. I think it was the IRONY of worry over being a couch potato at nite at home t walking down the street and SLEEPING with that TV #2 on steroids. Couch potatoes on STEOIDS! I think it was this made me look at the INTERNET more closely. OMG .. it could have been AMAZING .. if we did it MY way .. kind of like a shared HUMAN Library with new jobs of checking for truth to build TRUST.😳 Funny how the ENCYCLOPEDIA was pretty much truth that could be trusted and we went so far from my IMAGINED UTOPIA to HELL DYSTOPIA. Instead of connecting as HUMANS, with this amazing new tool, we COMPLETELY disconnected. If we thought our schoolyard had bullies .. we build a schoolyard on steroids and the size of earth .. or at least the "civilized" societies. Then we proceeded to become UNCIVILIZED.
Instead of linking EVERYTHING .. all our Human intelligence TOGETHER, we DIVIDED it which then lead to DEMONIZING those who disagreed. Our brains were already fried with the sugar eating our brain wiring, and the screens making us LOSE our attention to REAL HUMAN. Along come ways to connect for all of us. Each of us could have a TV channel or a Radio station or newspaper! When I remember the visionary possibilities THINKERS had it is still exciting. Could we redo HUMAN INTELLIGENCE this way now or is it too late. almost 30 years later screw the information .. so much GARBAGE left behind on the web now, dead people websites or restaurants etc. We could clean it up and make our OWN Encyclopedia. All those brilliant young people can take my idea and we build a new SHARED HUMAN INTELLIGENCE Network. There is too much information .. not enough REAL value .. like trying to find TRUTH so we can TRUST again!
It would have been amazing if each of us RIGHT BRAIN people "owned" the web's INDIVIDUALIZED MEDIA. Left brains are "Me/MINE (those close to me who agree), here, NOW!" where Right brains want to UNDERSTAND and wonder if there is ANOTHER possibility? If all the blogs and podcasts were ours, they would be broad minded. Left brains who want to be shallow INFLUENCERS .. are narrow minded and CLOSED minded, hence evasive and then demonizing. This is how we became so DIVISIVE. This society is now SICK .. not NORMAL in any way. We took the ability to SPECIALIZE on line to heights of complete STUPIDITY. No wonder society is over! Vegans think they are doing wonderful things for earth and we meat eaters are evil. Sorry guys .. you are LUDICRUOUS! Seriously TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our mess .. don't go blaming cows for climate change, or my cruelty of EATING them. we do so much worse that is DISESPECTFUL of earth. Like why don't you WALK instead of taking an UBER? Ad for such a TERRIFIED society .. why the frig are you TAKING and uber???
OK .. I will need to write this more clearly but .. HOLY .. I was stuck in rage at advertising size tripling, where my way for the web would have phased out the AD industry. If I NEED information it is NOT advertising .. it is KNOWLEDGE. I would have just organized all INTELLIGENCE by topic .. like an encyclopedia on steroids! Imagine not having to rebuy it for all changes and edits! But you still could add your disagreements .. kind of like wickepedia but with new CAREERS, and video and radio. Damn Banlanced brain people are GOLD .. or even MORE valuable. I swear, if I had any action brain wiring (I can't even get bills paid or house clean 😩 ) we could have been in Utopia now. I am sorry but my skill is collecting and connecting DIVERGENT ideas for TOTAL Human Health and designing SYSTEM SOLUTIONS so I can say "damn it if I was the body (dictator?) it would work so much better. So if I had a brain that also multitasks after designing the solution we could be NOT collapsing now. But hey .. I spent my LIFE trying to find a better way for EVERYBODY to be Healthy and the last dead for everybody to CONTRIBUTE .. but in return get DECENT quality of life. Imagine instead the Internet became a million subscriptions .. or WORSE .. everything funded by ADVERTISING which is kind of evil, if the facts are twisted.
But the worst is the SPECIALNESS of everybody "I am an influencer!" No .. you are probably a bully that gets your followers to take down anyone with an opposing viewpoint. Or you are all just a CLIQUE or TRIBE that makes each other feel good (which is great .. as long as you do not demonize those with questions.) The least bad is SHALLOW tunnel vision. We have lost our ability to see the big picture! This is very destructive to our humanity . After 10 or 15 years of separating into camps it is like we have 100 wars going on .. gays vs republican s, abortion vs republicans, Health food vs DR's, Bike vs car, Vax vs NO VAX .. this was a LOGICAL SMART thing to question and discuss .. but we were demonized into ANTI -Vaxers.
Anyway .. I guess they say you are wise since you know you know nothing. I am blown away the internet ITSELF never occurred to me as SO DESTRUCTIVE of our HUMANITY! I guess I was lookinh at all the many factors destroying us and MYSELF forgot the VERY BIG picture. SORRY for that .. and once we get our first "Church" Library cafe set up .. we will be able to physically come together and DISCUSS all the factors that are destroying TOTAL HUMAN Health. And once we get a good template "church" of SHARED HUMAN INTELLIGENCE well designed and developed, others can copy it.
I have LOTS to research! Wish I was FAST! 😩
UBI .. Universal Basic Income ..
If we want to survive the mess we made we MUST take back PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! we have become babies expecting daddy to protect us. We need a new WAR PROJECT to save us from the enemy. But the enemy is OURSELF .. instead of being a HUMAN we are SPECIAL .. we have RIGHTS and we are fFREE to do whatever we want. No grow up .. that is only true when you live alone in the wild. When you live with OTHERS you have to be DECENT and FAIR and live by the CMMON and GREATER good.
Wed. June 26, 2024, 2:30 pm. (SELF absorption has gone CANCEROUS and contagious! When you remove a GOOD (civility) that loss just not just turn bad, IT MULTIPLIES! Think of our society as a BANK .. the BANK of HUMAN. In a $ bank a loss = a withdrawal so you have LESS. But in the "Bank of HUMAN" a LOSS does not just reduce our societal balance of GOOD it becoames TOXIC and multiplies.)
I was looking at how kids behave today, inhuman! (SORRY .. of course I am generalizing, some kids are still parented to be CIVIL humans). I thought if I was a teacher today parents would have me OUT of my JOB! or worse. I could not keep my mouth shut .. MUZZLED from all the NONSENSE. It might be "my way or the highway" but at least I thought things thru. Some people like JLP (link) think the crackle shell of an onion and then STOP. to UNDERSTAND you need to peel thru all the layers of the onio to get to tht HEART of the problem. Only understanding ALL parts can a GOOD solution be found. But that is not our way. We live in a bag of onion shells. No digging down thru the onion. I would be in such trouble in school opening up actual THINKNG to my students. This is not allowed in schools .. and I guess you eve get ATTACKED for less.
Check this out. 3 x the assaults on teachers since the pandemic. teachers are quitting too Scarry with these monster kids as he class. on the street here in TO they are 100x more bold than we ever were in our lifetime! Never mind respect they will actually swear at a old lady .. if you expect to USE your side of the walkway.
But the WORST .. and disappointing for philly .. the guy who STOPPED the kid from hitting him is out of a job! With not even a real explanation .. just that HE assaulted the kid. I mean I knew if I y REPRIMAND someone who is DOING BAD (uncivil) .. they always scream vulgarity at me. Sorry I am RGHT .. you are uncivilized .. there is NORMAL HUMAN .. and you are not it. But in this case a teacher can be ASSAULTED by a kid but if he STOPS the kid he loses his job???? SICK society we have created!
but A I is the last invention we get to take extreme
Unless we STOP .. stop ALL OUR ADDICTIONS we will extinct ourselves. We are addicted to MORE, easier , faster .. to more profit, power and prestige. MORE .. and more extreme and more competitive is an ADDICTION. we are all ADDICTS! Well Left brains are .. and right brains are DYING because of it. I believe Right brains are more sensitive to EXTREME because we see the big picture so that moderation is necessary to not have total OVERWHELM.
The older we get the more we realize .. nothing is right nothing is perfect. I THOUGHT one commandment was all we needed .. JUST BE FAIR .. be decent to others FIRST. SIMPLE! But if my neighbour is LOUD and I want QUIET which is right? I thought ME of course but the they DRUGGED her to keep her quiet. I have had a life long hatred of the evil of drugs .. (profit off our ills and pain, instead of STOP THE CAUSES?? That is EVIL!) so this blew my mind. I began to see how we really understand only our OWN sensitivity. I guess discovering I am HSP (. ) I now see how VERY HARD "FAIR" IS! But .. if we do the WORK .. the HARD SLOW WORK .. we can find FAIR.
Tues. June 24, 2024, 8:00pm.
One that each of us uses for ALL our behaviour .. REAL Value Accounting .. replacing CONSUMPTION with CONSERVATION. Thinking slow and hard about ACTION .. instead of fast easy profit only. This NOT NORMAL .. not natural behaviour has destroyed civilization. A society is people working TOGETHER. We have gotten so disconnected all is failing. NORMAL is connected. Connecting humans and Human intelligence or iDEAS is the only way societies have survived for millennia. Once they DISCONNECT .. they FAIL.
Tues. June 24, 2024, 7:45 pm
Damn it I need to get me SELLING act TOGETHER. (No JOBS! destroying Hope!) If we got our template going we could start so many new jobs. Had add this to the RCMP article (youth revolt) and it really does breed terror. Ok, those of you with sales skill we need to work together. I also need writers to edit my old websites, so we are not wasting that money.This is URGENCY 2.0 .. no 5.0 . I have no $, no time Bec doing 5 jobs I am NOT skilled at .. but I honestly have the new SYSTEM the could help!
Wed. June 26, 2024, 7:30 pm.
Ths was a normal HUMAN ABILITY. But without Right Brain wiring to THINK, the Left action brain just simplifies into TUNNEL VISION. Sadly I think Trump actually BELIEVES he won last time .. and his followers UNABLE to Listen and THINK . SIMPLIFY into BELIEVIMG Their OWNversion of truth. Left brains add nothing to their daily knowledge. their learn INTELLIGENCE is narrow MINDED. I think broad vision and THINKNG makes them ANXIOUS and they feel ATTACKED with too many ideas. Why can we not DISCUSS opposing viewpoints. Because half of us are DISABLED .. missing brain wiring. Rememebr search, stress, sugar and 5G have done a NUMBER on our brain. We live in a toxic soup made uout to be "progress" and it is destroying EVERYTHING. I guess when we DISCONNECT .. a cosmos that is ALL connected cannot survive.
This is scarry! by Robert Reich whom I met in the White House in the early 90's .. I was so lucky to hit on a buffalo sm biz trip with my ART TV concept.
"A few days ago I was talking with a young conservative who admitted that Trump was an “odious thug,” in his words, but argued that America and the world had become such a mess that we need an odious thug as president.
“Think of Putin, Xi, Kim, Ali Khamenei, Netanyahu — they’re all odious thugs,” he said. “We need our own odious thug to stand up to them.”
I said that direct confrontation could lead to more bloodshed, even nuclear war.
He continued: “We need an odious thug to shake up Washington, stir up all the ossified bureaucracies now destroying America, do all the things no one has had the balls to do.” I winced. He charged: “We need someone to take control!”
As soon as he uttered those last words, he and I both knew the conversation was over. He had spilled the beans. He was impatient with the messiness and slowness of democracy. He wanted a dictator.
Robert Reich has a ? blog and he is terrified if Trump gets in. (debate .. Thurs June 27, 2024
This gave me the idea that our Octocracy or FOREST CIRCLE SYSTEM could be where EACH of us ids the DICTATOR. If we just each want only members willing to be FAIR decent humans worried FIRST for the common and greater good .. could we not ALL be the dictator LEADER TOGETHER? We use the blockchain to vote for everything .. not once every 4 years! So what we study and are interested in we have CONTROL OVER! ? a FORST Dictator ship! Every tree is special but the FUNGUS connects ALL in the forest to share and trade needs! we have forgotten for humans to survive that is NORMAL and Natural. Down with "I'm special, I have rights!". Up with we are ALL SPECIAL .. but human TOGETHER FIRST and can only survive sharing and trading our foundation (roots / fungus) Is NORMAL a "dictatorship" of FAIR decent sharing and trading HUMAN FIRST people?
Wed. June 26, 2024, 8:00 pm
Wed. June 26, 2024, 7:30 am.
yup .. we have LOST OUR MIND. We have more TV channels .. billions, more beer choices .. ?thousands? BUT! .. we have barrels of STRESS and a feeling of loss of control over our life. Constant change creates lack of ORDER, security and stability in life. HUMANS need those far more than a newer Apple Watch! MORE faster and easier is a competitive RUSHED world .. but rushing only to our END TIMES. Did our loss of what is TRULY Important in human life sopeed our extinction? Sorry .. the people who said change is good .. are idiots. There is a NORMAL to the universe and we have put that NORMAL BALANCE into freeFALL.
Nice we think we are SO SPECIAL 🙈 .. you now progress and all compared to those uncivilized Natives. Then why did they MANAGE for millennia .. and we destroy everything with our FREEDOM (to do exactly as we please) in just 200 some years? In a HUMAN society we are FREE to be decent FAIR responsible RESPECFUL WISE users of planet earth and human RESOURCES. We were not FAIR .. we USED with impunity and no RESPECT whatsoever. Now it is time to pay the HUMAN FAMILY and HOME debt we have wracked up. I think we waited too long .. and the Bankrupcy will NOT be pretty.
Wed. June 26, 2024, 7:00 am
I guess the accusation that I am judgemental means others do not FIRST judge an ACTION .. Judge THEIR OWN BEHAVIOUR for its affect on others. I am judgemental of those carrying an umbrella! They do not CARE if they put other's EYES OUT when the wind catches it .. or their lack of ATTENTION catches my face. Yes .. I JUDGE people who do not FIRST consider how their OWN behaviour negatively affects others. (Umbrella's were ok in less crowded CIVILIZED (not zombie) times. Now .. not safe if we do no ALL take RESPONSIBILITY.
Constantly considering the VALUE of an action would be "CONSERVATION ACCOUNTING"!! Not just a ($ bank account) but since everything in the UNIVERSE is CONNECTED, consider 6 different accounts (Ledgers) for which to CALCULATE VALUE .. before we act. When I throw all kinds of plastic in the garbage I affect others AND the planet. We have destroyed so much by taking NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANYTHING. It will feel very ONEROUS to go bak to NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. How many of us will actually take this large effort? Your choice. do it .. or die. And bring your friends along .. we do not. have much time. Rachel Carlson warned us we were being THOUGHTLESS in early 60's. That is too slow to react and then not expect CATACLYSM NOW. Hmm. 🤔 have we been living with the societal attitude "the other guy will fix it .. it's not MY problem" yup .. oh dear god .. I had a feeling we were acting like SPOILED 😱CHILDREN. We are not simply RUDE (do young people even know that word? .. since parenting is ABSENT.) .. we are a THOUGHTLESS (oblivious) society. Right brain THINKERS are watching the world go DOWN .. in terror. Do you wonder why we are ANGRY. You never listened and now it is probably TOO LATE.
add more?
We act like IR-responsible babies. P K Howard on steroids! (loss of common sense)
But then again everything is dual. That invention was good for certain tasks. But zombies use Leaf Blowers to push dust and dirt around, ".. from my driveway to street!" ?? (where it will just blow elsewhere again). Why not SWEEP up the crap? Like a NORMAL thinkng HUMAN would. Instead we need a Battery that needs chemicals to make energy.
We reduce our Natural Resources to make our faster easier batteries for EVERYTHING .. PLUS create the waste of the dead battery .. and think nothing of the TOXINS that waste creates. How have we zombies lasted this long?? This apocalypse is too drawn out!! 😳 We should have been dead long ago. Is god dreaming we will WAKE UP and pay ATTENTION?
Wed. June 26, 2024, 8:30 am
Disconnect has destroyed civilization. Disconnect from the DEEPER REALLY BIG problems. Fine, celebrate your RAINBOW of "specialness" .. as the earth and cosmos careens into collapse. 🙈
I think our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME might be a more IMPORTANT and URGENT focus, but that is just a "mentally ill"? RGHT brain talking. (McGilchrist)
Fri. June 28. 2024, 1:00 pm.
This was all a LIE .. to get what HE wants for developer friends! so incredibly blatant
This should be first
GO daddy I used to love. all stupid "go away" (go away pro??) names .. I get 10 at 2$ .. buy them since good deal. Then forget .. in 1 year they renewal 20$ .. they just made 200$ by being MEAN!! so sad!! 10 years ago they were my best friend seriously biz associates.
Mon. July 1, 2024, 8:30 pm.
.. and do not ever ACCOUNT for it. Total PROOF of STUPID! Note the new term toxic MULTIPLIERS. They are EVERYWHERE in our sick society! Why do I come up with this, I am a NORMAL, but THINKING person. Sad .. guess THINKNG is no longrr the NATURAL way. Is Natural like normal .. CANCELLED. Humans are gong to be CANCELLED by their STUPIDITY! Nobody is paying ATTENTION! This is why our society is collapsing. We are lazy irresponsible babies .. and the governemt is our daddy. This is why I call it DUMB-ocracy. And by July 7 .. I think it is just too late for my BRILLIANT plan. Those who said I was a naive DREAMER .. you should have LISTENED. You went too far with lack of RESPONSIBILITY for anything but "ME/mine, here, NOW"
I bet the Founding Fathers expected us to be more respectful and RESPONSIBLE for our RESOURCES. I mean WITHOUT A LAW!! What the hell is the problem with just being FAIR and decent to others? Why do we need a million laws. Just behave like a norm natural human because most humans are actually GOOD decent people. NOW though too many of us have seen injustice for too long and we are tired of UNFAIR. We get called injustice collectors when we are the ones who would have a DECENT enjoyable HUMAN Family and HOME. No laws needed for decent "CARING for others" people.
But Left brains are only "me . mine here, now" and even when there ARE laws they jUST skirt them! I have always thought them EVIL (us vs THEM) .. but now I guess I must face they ACTUALLY are missing the brain wiring that gives them a MIND and a "Heart". They are DISABLED! Maybe asking them to be DECENT and consider the common and greater good before the SELF .. is like asking a legless guy to walk? 🤔 But if that mindless DISABLED person will NOT LISTEN and is destroying us .. is that not a more FAIR murder than Netanyahu's of innocent people? MY son who is BECOMING Left brain thru STRESS? will say what gave me the right to judge? God will do that. But is that not just being lazy and IRRESPONSIBLE, here and now?
Hotel rooms .. last 2 .. but a week later someone else last one. I guess each of those ( places buy a set of rooms. So they are half LYIMG. Buit it makes life so confusing! DO NOT HALF LIE! Just tell the full truth. Sometimes we do not KNOW we are wrogn. But purposeful TWISTING can eventually make its MURDEROUS. A human TIME bomb is waiting to ex[lode. Watch out for very sensitive people ESP or HSP highly sensitive to EVERYTHING. I think we are the ones that are going to explode. a noisy neighbour causing a mass muder for no good reason.
Life is now STRESS every where you turn. Imagine if every rude, unmannerly, uncivil thing Harmed you, was torture? .. PLUS NOISES and smells, everything was TOO MUCH! A Left brain will say "GET OVER IT!" .. but that is like asking him to "Stop and THINK!" .. He can't! Oh dear 😱 .. the last war is here .. but it will just be MASS CHAOS! Are there enough of us quiet THINKER more sensitive remaining, to STOP this collapse?
So Franchising is even WORSE than I thought. I was thinking again of my UN-Franchise idea and thought do they lose their $150,000 investment if their location fails? Got no answer but learned new possibly WORSE. They can sue you for broken contract!
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Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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