Sun. June 23, 2024, 11:00 am.
Google says "a careful preservation and protection of something especially : planned management of a (natural) Resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect. I am adding there are PEOPLE resources that should be exploited, neglected or DESTROYED! But we didi that. We lost our mind. It is in our BRAIN whose wiring has been destroyed by the S4 virus. (Sugar's 56 names, screens, stress, and "I'm SPECIAL." NO! You are NOT! You are a NORMAL human just like the rest of us. You want to be comfortable and feel VALUED. No need for gay, women immigrant diversity nonsense. A NORMAL human (a good human with a MIND and "heart" harms no one!) I wonder how many bullies there were in Pioneer times? I bet we have MANY multiples. In fact social is a HUGE BULLY MULTIPLIER! I bet for 10 bullies in pioneer times we had 100 in my era. Sadly NOW I bet the 10 bullies multiplied into 1000. Perhaps this is because we all feel we have NO control in our life whatsoever. Feeling alone and fearful we then attack others? back to CONSERVATION .. forgetting the CONCEPT has destroyed our HUMAN Family home and now pretty much our human FAMILY. We either relearn it .. or .. we DIE! So that's my gift 😁 .. do as I say .. learn what I know .. or die.
A RESOURCE is anything we can USE to our advantage, a TREE for shade, a smile to cheer us! Instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY for our AMAZING resources we gave that "job" to the guys we vote for. 🙈 Very LAZY .. and irresponsible! Meanwhile we also quit giving RESPECT to what the maker gave is. Personally? if I was god I would wipe this species (humans) off the planet. We are way less respectful and RESPONSIBLE in our behaviour than any animals are.
Sun. June 23, 2024, 11:00 am.
Progress was good when we invented the wheel and printing press. What we invents NOT REAL progress. IN writing that I recognize our real PROBLEM. NITHING is REAL anymore. EVERYTHING is fake and inauthethic. We TWIST our words until the have no meaning. Our progress today? .. only "progress" .. mindless, soulless, faster, easier, more competitive ?"innovation" or entrepreneurship, speeding us to our extinction. Progress should improve QUALITY of LIFE .. not destroy it!
A society whose god is MORE, faster, easier, based on only the "me/ mine, here, now" Life Ledger can only destroy civilization and humanity. Left brain action has done this. Quiet Right brains who've yelled "BEWARE" for 50 years ignored, are now ANGRY! 🤬 We will die soon anyway, why not PUNISH those who destroyed civilization with their selfish THOUGHTLESS behaviour?
Sun. June 23, 2024, 4:00 pm.
no $$ accounted for.. why not a blockchain ledger of ALL types of deposits and removing all types of withdrawals. In this case withdrawals are your shelter food and fun. We are going to create a new sysytem. WE are RE Pioneering. the pioneers originally TRADED and shared. Do you know what a barn Raising was? (. ) Pioneers had NOTHING ( no police, or school! Since our systems are useless lets; try WITHOUT. When you treat people with R R R .. (FAIR) EVERYTHING just WORKS!
Sun. June 23, 2024, 4:00 pm.
I duplicated this .. and got confused which title was right ..??
Sun. June 23, 2024, 11:00 am. (H I = HUMAN Intelligence!)
REAL Wealth is not $$!! When I was 9, I thought real WEALTH was GOOD HEALTH, (I guess because my mom died completely UNEXPECTEDLY?). But as my daughter pointed out at my GLUTEN INFLAMES excitement "there is more to health than gluten, Kale and Yoga" 🙈 so true!! You need a JOB .. and trust and hope etc!! We have lost all the FACTORS that make sup TOTAL HUMAN Health. We invested NOTHING in our HUMAN Bank account or our "HUMAN (Stock market) VALUE Exchange". Without INVESTMENT business declines. Without ANY INVESTMENT or responsibility toward our TOTAL Health ACCOUNTS, our HUMAN stock market VALUE exchange is COLLAPSING. $$ were never what was important. Natives lived millenia without our $ or our inventions.
Once open a time our inventions were amazing, the wheel, the printing press, electricity. HAH! Electricity fried our brains along with Sugar and marketing! BLAME electricity and henry Ford's specialization or Automation. automation meant specialized meaningless jobs. the Craftsman was replaced by putting nuts and bolts on a wheel.
We invented the printing press and in 1868 the typewriter! .. so everybody could type (write) on their own paper!! Hah! compared to the printing press the typewriter was less VALUE. Am I right that every invention has gotten less VALUABLE and no only DECAYS humanity? Electricity was the beginning of our CONSUMPTION MINDSET!! Blame Edison! or Blame Ford with wanting to give everyone a car. NO! That is stupid .. blame US stupid HUMANS for always wanting to take everything EXTREME. A family car was amazing .. but each person needing one was the beginnings of our SELFISHNESS and "I'm special .. I deserve" attitude. We invented the PHONE .. AMAZING! We had one farm PARTY LINE between neighbours .. had to beg to intervene in social conversation, if we were having an emergency. People could listen in before "asking for the line". Then when things got better we had PAY PHONES .. we could call anybody anytime.
Interesting that the wonder of a CAR and the joy of a phone to connect us all win my lifetime went from HEAVEN .. to HELL! That is amazing to think!! 🤔 Especially that phone connection of people, strangely turned us into MONSTERS with the advent of the CELL. No wonder what we worried about with TV Couch potatoes are now walking the streets worse .. as zombies .. couch potatoes on steroids! And the car people have their face on the screen inastad of watching for pedestrians and others! We are insane. We are Selfish shallow beings gone STUPID. We pay NO ATTENTION to others. Shallow zombies unaware of the world around them. Soory .. this is why I am DECLARING WAR! Some of us DO think of others and we are SICK TO DEATH of being ignored and diminished or avoided. Are we the cancelled screamed at by the Karens?
I hate the world!! Why do I habe to learn that NONSENSE! Why can't we just be DECENT FAIR HUMANS to each other. Can't we just be ONE species Together interacting civilly? I sear dogs do better than us at CIVIL! It's like HUMANs are hundred's of separate ( .. type) and we are at a DOG SHOW to win most important dog breed. is it gays, women, immigrants, disabled? FACE IT .. the most DISABLED of ALL are Left brains. They have destroyed humanity and civilization! They have destroyed our total health, every one of the 9 factors has collapsed ( )
I say a WAR against the NONSENSE of Left brain shallow selfish behaviour .. or the humans left die and we are truly EXTINCT. Earth will go on for awhile in the HELL .. the dystopia this greed and self absorption has created. The zombies paying no attention, unaware of their destructive behaviour will finally .. / expire too. I am very sorry zombies .. but if we want to save earth from you .. we have to kill you. 😰 (yes J I am JUDGEMENTAL, it is LAZY to expect god to do our responsibility .. to destroy those destroying our human family and home) BUT .. no other wars give a choice, We right brains do give you a choice! We are good people having to finally FIGHT BACK!! Instead of WAR .. which only removes resources adds NOTHING .. Please join us .. USE our Right brain THINK RESOURCE. We will SHARE IT. We do need your ACTION Left hemisphere but AFTER the work of the right hemisphere. WE used to be BALANCED BRAINS before the S4 virus decayed our brain. SHARING our oppositr=e RESOUCE, will INCREASE OUR HUMAN STOCK MARKET VALUE AGAIN!!! what will it be .. LISTEN, Learn reconsider and ACT THOUGHFULLY .. or continue the shallow selfish behaviour destroying us
I suggest all our behaviour these last decades has been DECREASING our HUMAN LEDGER and our HUMAN Health. Our Human Stock exchange has been declining in VALUE faster and faster more recently. "Progress" has lost its MEANING. Wouldn't PROGRESS mean improved quality of life? Instead our quality of life has DECLINED steadily since the 50's. Is it because we moved from a focus on HUMAN to a focus on "special"? When "I'm special .. I have RIGHTS" takes over our RESPONSIBILITY as a HUMAN to NOT decrease anyone's enjoyment of life .. we start to DECLINE. We are all the SAME. A NORMAL, Natural HUMAN just wants to enjoy life, I think not wanting to HARM others. Once we start to feel HARMED ourselves we want to fight back.
When we each just put the common and greater good FIRST before "THE SELF!" .. things wer pretty good. They SURELY were better than NOW. I suggest in 1929's depression .. life was far better than should we have that collapse now. We already just divide and DEMONIZE .. imagine if we were starving, we will just kill each other! "those guys are evil .. its ok to kill them" seemsour BULLYING manner. CANCELLING is BULLYING. We live in a BULLY society. Free speech is a JOKE. If we question anything .. which a THINKING person does .. we are in big trouble. We are not allowed to WONDER and be curious. So I guess this is a WAR against THINKNG questioning investigating TRUTH (R B) people by shallow selfish "just get 'er done already" people (L B)
Lucky for us I do NOT even want to be a nice GOOD Leader beach I would murder people. Sorry just do not understand if Net. says go kill innocent families IT"S FINE! ,.. but if I say .. we have to kill the MEAN or stupid people if they are UNWILLING or UNABLE to STOP whatever is harming others .. IF .. there is no other solution. CONSERVATION is the only thing that will now save us. So if there is not enough for ALL of us, the least of us will need to be sacrificed. I am just EXPECTING the same of others as I expect of ME!! I would HAUNT my kids if they used up RESOURCES to keep me around as a vegetable serving NOTHING! Why would you waste money keeping me alive when you could use it to help some youth that had nothing get their start in life!?
The problem is we DO have enough resources. Rich people could share so everyone can get a FAIR shake at life. Even then, STILL I would not want a half million $ spent over years of keeping me in ?long term care. Use that money to give young people opportunities. So I mean no ill will that the AGGRESSIVE old deaf lady here should give up her life. DAMN I have to make SURE my wishes are known that I want MAID as soon as I am not normal HUMAN anymore. SHE STEALS From the CONSERVATION ACCOUNTING LEDGERS. My buddy at the desk and I can no longer talk .. since she comes and screams at us. WE were talking about big problems relevant NOW and she steals energy time CONNECTION! Yet she is not being cared for fairly either. And there is probably no BED for here anywhere else? What a stupid world.
So together in our REVERSE World we have to decide NEW RULES. If you do not contribute you must be removed. 👿 Is that evil? To my calculating brain it is KIND. Let's simplify .. we got ourselves an Island. Our raft to get there only has space for 100. Obviously the younger healthier people get to go. If the raft can only hold x people at 150 lbs .. sorry if you are 400 lbs you do not get to go. To me that takes no questioning wondering or asking .. If I am 2 people I am NOT BEING FAIR TO OTHERS! If the island holds only enough for 90 people but there are 100 of us .. it would be nice if we never HAD TO murder. Whoever had the best life, is tired of it all or does not want the struggle and sacrifice to build new .. they drown themselves. DAmn I guess I really am a dreamer. But I am not special or wonderful or a SAINT. That just is LOGIC and COMMON SENSE to me. Like .. so we have really fallen this far on the selfish shallow scale. No wonder they say I think I am god.
OK .. once we get this SYSTEM Happening I want to see how many of my Right brain or better yet BALANCED BRAIN Buddies think this way. I always knew I was weird but is even this way of thinking COMMON and GREATER good as REASON weird? No wonder I never understood the world! And no wonder most tell me I am crazy to think my Reverse world would work. I should just QUIT .. and watch as they did in Steben King's STAND .. Yup "we never learn" and I though "you LISTEN to me .. or we die " would help.😭
Our senior care programme is designed to help seniors maintain their independence and quality of life. Our team of experts will provide you with personalized support and guidance to help you stay healthy and happy as you age.
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ie PREVENTION .. THINKNG before ACTING .. PREVENTS WASTE and creating unexpected TOXINS and viruses. HARM! like prison
Sun. June 23, 2024, 11:00 am.
Our HUMAN Bank Account (Ledger), could have been so much more FULL of RESOURCES! NOT $, but REAL HUMAN VALUE RESOURCES! .. If we had quit being idiots. NOW? I think our HUMAN Family is bankrupt and soon to be HOMELESS. The planet (god?) is MAD at our stupidity. I always have said if we were RESPECTFUL of what (god? the creator of the cosmos) gave us .. haven shown RESPECT god would have PITIED us and forgiven the small decline we caused in resources we used RESPECTFULLY. Instead we wer NOT respectful of all we received. We not only WASTED our resources .. WE USED THEM TO CREAT TOXINS THAT WERE MULTIPLIERS. We created cancerous contagions with the GOOD .. the resources we were given by the Maker.
Sorry if you think this amazing cosmos just happened .. get the hell out of here! A kind GENIUS created the cosmos. We can't even build a good building and you think nobody DESIGNED organized and managed the planets? GET OUT OF HERE! OFF the planet or into the STUPID asylum. I hate religion .. think the bible the first FAKE news (why are there religious wars?) My god wants decent FAIR humans TOGETHER making things BETTER for all. Not using up everything to create only waste and TOXINS!! So yes .. 👿 I have the right to say .. GET OFF THE PLANET!
We PREVENT NOTHING, just MANAGE the disasters we create!! We ?Left brains cause much decline and then struggle to figure out how to fix the COLLAPSE CAUSED! Unlike the Toronto Science Centre next level Twisted LIES .. ALL our (rooves) are collapsing (bridges, train tracks, gas pipes, and electric grid all are collapsing in disrepair). WHY? Because our brains (The Left brains in charge) can not connect FUTURE with NOW. NOw all is fine .. but a REAL manager thinks of the future and maintains to PREVENT problems! Politicians are so in love with power and prestige they forgot their job was to manage REAL problems .. not dog parks and gay parades. If I am a FAIR decent human I am mean to no one .. so screw your gay PRIDE .. our world is COLLAPSING while you plan DIVISE parades. I am sick of having every stupid LITTLE thing shoved in my face CANCELLING every idiocy I complain over. Guess what HUMANS are being cancelled .. like the real word .. dead .. extinct. But we never nOTICED we were already HALF missing in ACTION .. zombies are NOT human. Missing most of the Right Hemisphere wiring is missing the MIND and "Heart". A SOULESS being is NOT a human! Humans are already half extinct-ed to ZOMBIES .. oblivious beings paying NO ATTENTION to other's well being. Zombies UNAWARE of our FUTURE lost TOTAL Human HEALTH. Oblivious to the CAUSE of any problem, applying only bandaids which. are now ALL FALLING OFF many wounds. If we PREVENT the CAUSE, instead of throw on a bandaid .. THERE WILL BE NO PROBLEM!! But causes take TIME to STUDY .. meantime BANDAIDS make profit.
Find the CAUSE .. prevent the damage from HAPPENING!.. weather bridges or human bodies. why do we not PREVENT disease, stop th inflammation that causes it (hidden sugar's 56 names). We do not even prevent collapse of highway overpasses or building structures. The Don Valley Overpass is crumbling to the naked eye. Yet they only recently began repairs. Who runns a business and every 4 years throws our the management. That is how we weirdly run our government organization. So politicians do /say whatever keeps their job, NOT the hard stuff. we have to find a better way because this is NOT COMMON SENSE! Maybe my octopus idea spreads the sharing of HUMAN Intelligence. We organize not by department but by the factors of health? Group in charge of security, and stability, another in charge of connection and belonging, one for ORDER and organizing intelligence, one for HOPE and TRUST. .. ?? THEY stay on and continue CORRECT work .. mayor GOES if not a good connector of TOTAL human health. We could look at this as a possibility .. seems if HUMAN Health came first everything else would fall in line naturally?
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Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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