It is no longer safe to walk outside!! Seriously! All those years everybody said be careful .. I was like you are way more likely to be HARMED IN YOUR HOME! Not true anymore .. it is INSANE out there. 15 year olds killing 3 year olds (Buffalo) ?? 15 year old GIRLS swarming and knifing a homeless man TO DEATH in TO? What the hell has happened to HUMAN?? Animals are not this HORRIBLE ever!
Thurs. June 27, 2024, 10:00 am.
Seriously? You just fly everything into the street? Why not a simepBROOM. see why we need a new accounting system of COMMON SENSE? The noise, the battery and resource use? For what ..putting toxic dust into my brain? Never mind the worker. WE massive STUPID! 😟.. or insane,🤪
then .. I saw a guy pushing grass out of the lawn where it would just compost .. just onto the sidewalk where we carry it into our home on our soles. 😳 Get me off this chaos and confusion PLANET. please. Where did our Common sense go?
Sat. June 29, 2024, 6:00 pm
Only heard a part on news. Utica .. traffic stop.. kid ran .. he seemed to have a gun .. 2 cops SHOT him .. HE DEAD! Cops are on paid leave. "Hmm?" said cop me "I need some PAID time off .. Think I will shoot a kid." Unbelievable!! .. but I am as stupid as everybody .. intution has long had me yelling at this insanity .. but only NOW .. did I really see the real actual LUDICROUSNESS of what I just wrote! If you are terrified of being shot .. DO NOT BE A COP TODAY!! Over reacting is NOT acceptable!
Do you think there are enough of us? .. that will actually STOP the nonsense of our society by BOYCOTTING EVERYTHING? .. a MASS HUMAN STRIKE of EVERYTHING. We are insane .. tomorrow is pride .. I saw a girl with a aRAINBOW DRESS and rainbow hair. If it was one day where we go WILD .. fine .. but we go wild every day for some STUID EXCUSE. Cal down .. just be NORMAL. Unless we get NORMAL REAL FAST .. we willNOT see the next decade.(At least us Right brains will kill ourselves overdose or mass murder the stupidity. A TIME Bomb is waiting to go off. The H BOMB is a HUMAN Bomb Right brains more sensitive no longer able to handle the confusion chaos and STRESS .. and EXPLODING. The Left brains will be fine .. oblivious zombies existing in the Dystopia they created.
Thurs. June 27, 2:00 pm.
This is RUDE .. but kind of shows UNLESS we are SOMEWHAT Balanced Brain we are both JERKS, right and left brain. I am not a selfish jerk .. just a CONTROL jerk ".. do it MY WAY! .. I studied it all my entire life. "HAVE THE DAMN DECENCY TO UTILIZE MY WORK!" I am all in the US ledger. But I wish I was better at sales and could be NICER with distribution of the idea. (and yes I have totally neglected not just ME .. but worse .. MINE. I take no responsibility for the MINE in me / mine. Family and friends take time and energy. I have no patience for that so I was a bad mom. I did try .. but my son has even turned LEFT. I think BEER has lots of sugar and GRADUALLY fries RIGHT brain wiring too!! More to research .. not a lot of sugar but it is FERMENTED sugar and wheat which does do something to the BRAIN .. drunk plus alcoholic .. nobody studies these things since no profit. Perhaps STRESS has destroyed my son's thinking brain but it is truly SAD how much our toxic society (link to MY toxins list) changes character and personality!
Sat. June 29, 2024, 5:00 pm
So don't be so smug about your success. I am yelling at you Left brains NOT my member Right or BALANCED Brains.
this is how you Shallow selfish L B's think (re so many families living in POVERTY.)
.. from Brookings Institute .. Jeffrey Fuhrer June 2024.
"Key narratives in wide circulation would suggest that the families are to blame. They don’t work hard enough. They have made bad decisions (see again “The Myth”).
Tens of millions of families can’t make it because they’re lazy? That claim is absurd on its face. We have consciously chosen to structure our economy so that it provides extremely well for the already affluent, wealthy, and (mostly) white. We have become a country that hesitates at every turn to distribute resources according to need, pointing instead to the virtues of self-reliance." hah .. exactly the con job I yell about
Pretty evil! See how easy your life is? "Me/ mine, here, NOW!" You are going to have to SMARTEN UP .. or we have to kill you. Like I said why is murder ok when the RULER declares war? Using us as your hitman .. no REAL PAY back! BAD human .. yet you call me terrorist!
sorry R B why am I wasting your and MY time .. they CAN not listen. If their disability is destroying HUMANS can we destroy the zombies FIRST? I wish they would listen and USE our brain resource .. but I have tried or 30 years with a still teenager and there is NO LISTENING. I am just accused of thinking I am god. I bet god prefers we R B win! He did NOT put us here to suffer injustice rejection and disrespect! he WANTS us to win .. though the Forever Teenager thinks I WILL BE IN HELL.
Sat. June 29, 2024, 10:00 pm.
Fri. June 21, 2024, 1:00 pm. I added "I'm SPECIAL" to our toxic destruction causes.
Tues June 24, 2024, 4:30 pm.
STRESS is #3 .. overload and overwhelm, chaos and confusion .. No time for ANYTHING! This is so very curious in our world focused only on MORE .. faster and easier. 🤔 .. 🤣 Faster and easier? Yet we run around like chickens with our head cut off? (chickens do do that when killed. Maybe Christie Nome would KNOW? hEY! I am from a farm .. how did you think you GET to eat a chicken ..dah 🤪 .. how stupid we have become as a society!)🙈
The S4 virus .. "I'm SPECIAL .. I have RGHTS!" plus hidden SUGAR, phone faced by SCREENS and stress 4S's have destroyed our brains. Instead of THINKNG about FAIRNESS .. we just believe we DESERVE. What about the other guy. I suggest we survived fo millenia because we actually CONSIDERED the common and greater good BEFORE just the self. "ME/Mine, here, now" is a poison that destroys society.
Mon. June 24, 2024, 11:00 am.
Tunnel vision has destroyed us. When it was on one TV screen it was Kinda bad .. tunnel vision PLUS our mind distracted a million ways is even worse. We are BOTH Tunnel Vision AND all over in distraction. Tunnel vision where we should be BROAD vision. and FOCUSED on soling our big problems were we are all over NO FOCUS! Reverse world isa good word re-pioneer Focusing on our HUMAN home nd family to see the BIG picture but improving our little corner of it. we focus on ME only instead of US nut instead of SERIOUS .. ? We need to COLLECT and connect ALL IDEAS .. MANY but focus them on US not ME
If we are so smart .. such "INCREDIBLE PROGRESS" why are there so many stupd wasteful things like this? To make the city money CHARGE Chartwell $10,000 for each false alarm. PLUS why no A I system to say no CHECK is needed it just went off YESTERDAY!!
The answer is tunnel vision by teenage brains. I will lose my job if I suggest a better way. No wonder NOTHING makes sense to my stupid questioning wondering mind! Everything is either in the TUNNEL .. money, medical, beautiful vs USEFUL .. all is SEPARATED into tunnels and SILOS! Nothing is connected. but real HUMAN LIFE IS ALL CONNECTED. Our Disconnect has destroyed civilization!!
Yup .. now we can be WALKING "couch potatoes"! TV 2.0 is the TV with you wherever you go. A TV was tunnel vision on oe program with a family watching. But then we started to need INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL EVERYTHING. The kids needed a bathroom (We all used to SHARE one!!! Even Neighbours in Farm areas shared a PHONE!! This teaches you how to live in a HUMAN society!! A Community SHARES and TRADES RESOURCES. If we had an emergency the social talker GAVE UP THE LINE. Imagine such CIVILITY TODAY!
TV back in the day was tunnel vision to be SHARED .. we had 3 channels and it was something to discuss TOGETHER. Did anyone think about how 7 million channels would divide us. Our screen now is TUNNEL VISION TV 2.0 .. but on MY INTEREST! There is NO SHARING. So things began their faster decline with the INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL WANT of the 80's. Once my kids needed their OWN bathroom (that is how houses were now sold) we were on the way tour ever faster decline. The TV in the bedroom or maybe just the rec room made not less important to SHARE or discuss the IDEAS you had seen. We still had to wait our turn for the PHONE though. hAH! So once the individual PERSONAL phone came along .. we were doomed as a society of CONNECTED CIVIL People. Everything is now DISCONNECT. Humanity .. or a HUMAN Society is based on CONNECTION of people and ideas! Disconnect breeds DIVISION and the IMPATIENCE of a "MORE .. faster! easier!" society .. turns disconnect into DIVISION and laziness breeds demonization. We are too LAZY to think. yes some of us have no TIME to think and stress ruiesour life. But living "fast, easy .. MORE" does make us LAZY disrespectful and irresponsible. Without .. society fails. See Mcgilchrist .."Left brains are destroying Civilization". When I can NOT get even family to TRY to understand this seminal work that applies to EVERY system in our life .. we are in BIG TROUBLE. Try to bring along your more Left brain friends we need to somehow get the Trump people at least to leave ideas a little more open for change.
Thurs. June 27, 2024, 9:15 am.
Sure Left Brains scoff at "idiots" who take useless stuff like the ARTS. On first LAYER of thinking, seriously WHY DO WE EXPECT SOMEONE WILL PAY for our fabulous artistic creative endeavors?
But of course when we THINK DEEPER we recognize without our ARTS the world would be a STERILE cold place. (Like Star Trek? I never understood why people loved that spaceship .. it felt a horrifying life and covid proved it since our human is gone ince COVID ISOLATION! Interesting that the man who caused our societal collapse is UNAWAE and meant no harm. We are TUNNEL VISION .. we can not see past our own area of focus. For Faucci it was the MEDICAL Field and its Single Focus bandaids, while we isolated from one contagion we made others CANCEROUS. Medicine is always bandaids never big picture CAUSE. Had he listened to DR Sam Walters who TRAINED astronauts for the HUMAN ISOLATION dangers of space .. we would not now be feeling the hugely WORSE effects of covid ISOLATION.
There is far more to HUMAN Life than our own small focus on what gives us our income. Money and MORE is the LEAST of what we need to have TOTAL Human health. Art Lifts our spirits. Music can completely change our ENERGY vibration! But of course if we are BRAIN DEAD (missing our Right Brain THINK wiring we do not NOTICE how all the ARTS add HUGELY to quality of life. Removing home economics from the curriculum was the beginning of our speeding to decline My idea comes from being a H S Home Ec Teacher .. it MANAGED FAMILY RESOURCES. Why not just create a SYSTEM that consider a bigger family? Our HUMAN Family and Home. Somehow we forgot there is more to each of us than "ME/ MINE, here, NOW!" Perhaps the ARTS focus on US as humans? Its collapse is testament to us LOSING OUR HUMANITY.
This place Philadelphia ARTS UNIVERSITY!! has been around (150) YEARS! I would go by it and marvel at the architecture and HISTORY whenever in my beloved Phila! It is closing!! along with its partner near the Reading Terminal? This is horrifying! I knew the world was collapsing .. but ?? this badly?? With less supporters the Tuition got too high .. and surly looks like they had TOO MANY profs. Still are there really people (zombies ) among us who do not CARE about the ARTS. There $ saying they are richest are more important than our FULL human creative and curious family? HAH .. Yes Left brains have NO CURIOSITY, no WONDER, no IMAGINATION .. so they probably really think they don't care. Will they feel our Human HOME is EMPTY, without the ARTS? Guess not .. they love Space ships! OMG .. we really must have a WAR .. and we may even have to kill FAMILY!! (interesting that in the civil war families were divided .. didn't the both have SUGAR PLANTATIONS?? If Cheerio dust fried Buffalo's Power Structure's RIGHT BRAIN wiring, why not Southerners?? I sear southerners are Left brain!
Copyright © 2024 H. Burki (TOTAL Human Health) - All Rights Reserved .. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or us RIGHT Brains .. DIE! Only ZOMBIES survive
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