Mon. June 24, 2024, 10:00 am.
Except EVIL is doing harm with no regret .. no care for another's well being. If you have no brain .. if you are STUPID .. a brat TEENAGER oblivious to DANGER .. I guess you are not eveil. Us/ THEM was just easier. It is easier to hate those harming us. Please JOIN us .. LISTEN, Learn from us! YES! We know MORE than you because we spent our LIFE questioning wondering curious about BETTER ways to do things. Money is the LEAST of our needs. Pioneers just traded and SHARED. Remember BARN RAISINGS! (link) They had none of our complicated systems but things worked BETTER than today. I will take the outhouse, pumping water and coal stove to tend any day .. to get the community and connection of rural 70 years ago.. to get the HUMAN back. I will take no shower available rather than the confusion and DISCONNECTED chaos of our shallow "Progress" and "success". I am hoping any still THINKING person will be with me? Let's RE PIONEER .. but keeping real progress, just not EXTREME .. EVERYTHING. Money and consumption, "faster and Easier" is DESTROYING OUR HUMANITY. If everything is to create "CONVENIENCE TODAY" .. why is life hell?? Let's build a new system .. and QUIT making bad humans. Humans are GOOD .. TOXIC LIFE makes them "bad".
Sat. June 29, 2024, 10:30 am.
Worse tha using or destroying resources is crating toxins that MULTIPLY. a LIE can multiply like CANCER. But Even Lies are DUAL, and measured in value .. needing moderation .. not necessarily EVIL. When they are meant to serve only to WIN .. they are evil! hah!🤔 That is why Trump's lies are bad. They are not meant to serve US, but only HIM. But I think he BELIEVES THEM? damn .. life has become TOO confusing. Please could we just go back to simple PIONEER times but with running water and toilets?
Yes! Damn it .. even LIES are confusing! Damn it!🤬 When I started this work on "FAIR!" maybe 10 years ago, it was all so SIMPLE (in MY head!) 🙄 We ONLY need ONE Commandment "Just be FAIR .. just be a DECENT HUMAN!" But then I finally realized my wanting "quiet!" meant they DRUGGED my neighbour to stay quieter! (It's a nursing home, and she exploded in the Dining room too.) I HATE the Pharma medical CON .. so how was I being FAIR myself to be a part of them drugging her.? Could she just remember not to scream by MY wall? Ahh, just remember to "MAID" me when I bug others .. we are here to HELP not HARM our HUMAN FAMILY! 😇 Our LAST War is actually between the "SELFISH and selfless SPECTRUM". Selfish heads to mean, then cruel, to GREEDY and then to EVIL. Evil is caring NOTHING for others .. only caring "ME/ mine, here, NOW" to excess. So be NICE or we have to murder you. WAR is Armed forces, just being the hit men for the "ruling family". 😁 Think about it! We are starting the last war .. be nice or DIE. WE will put you o the selfish selfless spectrum and to close to the evil end .. make your choice. LISTEN, Learn .. use our THINKING Right brain we willingly SHARE! .. or die. 😥 .. 👿
As usual .. my damn MEANDERING brain took a huge detour. Have you seen the quote ..
"Not all who WANDER are lost!" That is me .. WANDERING .. like Joe Biden means you are collecting may ideas TOGETHER .. and that is the best thing to do. Just grabbing 2 LINEAR ideas will never Crete as good a solution. Because we did everything LEFT BRAIN LINEAR everything is now collapsing. We created silos and bandaids and the have DESTROYED ALL CONNECTION. SOCIETY is CONNECTION. To survive we need to re connect people and especially IDEAS. So sorry to WANDER .. but if it pulls together divergent ideas for HUMAN HEALTH .. it's all good!
So .. The worst TOXINS are "LIES" .. and how they multiply in our communication and society. Imagine our world with A I lies. Please kill me .. I better follow up with MAID ( ) But there are all kinds of lies .. little "white Lies", unintended ones, and HUGE Selfish ones or too stupid to KNOW you LIED like trump? Sorry .. Stupid is many of his followers too and maybe my family .. sorry to be mean. But HUMAN life MUST have deeper thinking to work PROPERLY! Selfish and shallow destroyed EVERYTHING! We messed up so bad .. it needs some perserving PERSISTENCE (obsessiveness) to find why. So respect my research and design .. or go live in your zombie dystopia. Shallow is on the way to STUPID .. and I am sick to death living in stupid world. "LISTEN TO ME!" because I am so stupid in my Left brain as to have no LIFE because I spent it all finding these ANSWERS. So disrespect is now finally enraging to us THINKERS... I wasted my life on this .. if you refuse to listen
If you look at City Hall Phila INFO (and our image above) .. it is LIES! Nope! I guess it depends on WHO is looking for WHAT. A builder proud of many FLOORS, says it is NINE FLOORS. Baloney! from MEMORY seeing with my OWN eyes .. it is about 4 or 5 stories .. NOT 9! They are counting all the little and big TOWERS and the statue part. William Penn was smart enough to KNOW that TOO TALL was disrespectful .. evil. He wanted it LOW! .. maybe to show respect for nature .. I want to research this more, but he said no building should be TALLER than city hall! Once they broke his wisdom with tall buildings, things in Phila declined. He was a GOOD Quaker. Check out the architecture in the image .. it is without question the MOST amazing City Hall ever .. a BEAUTIFUL WORK of ART! He had the E/W and N/S Main streets PASS THROUGH the building !!! What a beautiful example of CONNECTION .. all citizens CONNECTED!! OK that is it!! .. our first TEMPLATE .. DEFINITELY PHILADELPHIA!! This was always the plan .. but reminded of the GREAT INITIAL IDEAS of the Founding Pioneers .. definitely we need to show RESPECT for them.
There are more suicides AND mass murders .. not even targeted!
Toxins are not just asbestos or DDT poisons. Toxins are feeling LEFT OUT. Toronto's immigrant communities are so separated, keeping to themselves speaking their language loudly .. they make me feel ALONE in my own country. THEIR toxic behaviour has made me hateful. Gays so 100% in your face have made me hateful. I am almost 80! I have never been so hateful of everybody. TOXINS are of every type, not just chemical (PHYSICAL) but emotional (Hurting our SOUL!) are cancerous and contagious. Let's quit the toxins! It is bad enough we WASTE but MULTIPLYING damage with toxins that grow bigger is UNTHINKABLE .. see Left brain stupidity again!!
Explain criminal minds. Brother (Thought adopted) who wanted to have sex with non blood sister REJECTED! Turns out she is really his young MOTHER .. this poor kid's brain twisted loss of TRUST, multiplied and turned him serial killer of women similar to mom he was attracted to. UNDERSTANDING why people do horrible things is where we must START! Then we need to try to NOT do those types of harm! That is the HARD part of life. THINKNG things through so as NOT to harm others. If we are all FAIR and decent to each other it takes HARD WORK! Would you rathe have "hard heaven" .. or fast easy HELL or dystopia?
Our $ accounting system is ridiculous. + - with no thought to REAL VALUE .. Ae you actually improving life or DIMINISHING IT? is ludicrous. WE should be ACCOUNTING for ALL HUMAN LIFE LEDGERS in each action! We should consider, We/ Us , space / Time (past future) before me/ mine. Neglecting these HUMAN Life Ledgers has destroy Blythe our human HOME and human family.
Wed. June 26, 2024, 10:45 am.
No wonder we are CONFUSED and in chaos. We have ACTUALLY DISCONNECTED everything. Yet we believe "ONLINE" we can connect with ANYONE .. we are SOOOOO connected. I just this moment realized like never before we can connect with anyone anywhere and form any kind of SPECIAL group. We now ALL have access to a COMMUNICATION pulpit like our own newspaper, radio or TV CHANNEL!! How amazing is that! But instead of taking it for GOOD .. of course we took it to our last century usual of EXTREME. But the EXTREME is connecting "special" groups .. which can also be CLIQUES .. and become BULLIES and worse. So we used the AMAZING CONNECT of the internet for SPECIAL instead of MY way .. HUMAN CONNECT. Connecting each HUMANS special skill and talent to BETTER ALL HUMANS when traded and shared. My Internet plan in the 90's BEFORE search was a COONECTION of all HUMAN VALUE to be traded and shared. Instead we only connected SPECIAL and in the process DISCONNECTED HUMANS. Gay sites, women sites, kale and yoga sites all by default creating DISCONNECT and now division and demonization. Shouldn't VAX no VAX have been a RESONABLE HUMANS DISCUSSION? Why would it be demonising? REAL humans DISCUSS OPPOSING SIDES. Lazy irresponsible humans just go to their web place and war with the opposite. What a STUPID mess we made. But we could go back to trying my way .. like a central LIBRARY of hopefully "truth" where everyone contributes their special so we can LISTEN LEARN and reconsider. I thought this would be Utopia because we would share and trade our human value .. our SPECIAL for the betterment of our human FAMILY and HOME. No .. it was not naive .. it was an amazing CONNECTOR of Human INTELLIGENCE. Instead we sued it to LINK special and in not connecting our HUMAN we have created WAR everywhere.
This disconnect from SEEING ourselves as JUST HUMANS, who are all the SAME! .. has been so toxic to TOTAL HUMAN Health and quality of LIFE. But we also disconnected ideas! Why did Faucci not LISTEN to Dr Sam Walters who had isolation fears from his work with astronauts. We created the worst health crisis in humans from covid's ISOLATION handling BECAUSE these 2 could not HEAR each other. Our disconnect of ideas is what makes us seem STUPID .. paying NO ATTENTION to anything. EVERYTHING, EVERYONE connects. We are all part of the atmosphere or energy of the universe. But we have become a cancerous CONTAGION. Can we reconnect as humans and connect ideas to find REAL solutions to our collapse. maybe if we hurry?
How do 8 15 yr olds swarm and kill a homeless man in TO. Is that even HUMAN. Half our murders are by youths especially young teens. Where is the mind and "heart" of these people. They are no longer HUMANS, killing for sport is worse than ANIMALS!! Hmm ... they had parents whose brains are 100 % fried because their parents also ate hidden sugar frying their brain !! So we are now seeing generational BRAIN FRY!
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